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Author Guidelines

Since 2024 onwards, Aurora Journal began to adopt the continuous publication method, published every six months, it receives articles for the free section (Miscellaneous) and articles for the thematic dossier, in addition to essay, reviews and interviews. There is no fee for submitting contributions to the journal. Likewise, once approved, all material is shared freely and at no cost to readers and authors on our website.



Revista Aurora provides templates with the magazine's structure, in Word format, ready to be downloaded. The templates cover basic guidelines on formatting references and preparing figures and tables.

The use of the indicated structure model is mandatory. Submissions that do not adopt it will be rejected.


Policies and conditions for use of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

The use of generative AI and AI-assisted technologies is strictly prohibited for article writing, generating results, creating or altering images or graphics. For more information, access the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Policies and Conditions of Use


Rules for presentation of originals (Articles and Dossier)

1). Originality: The text must be unpublished in national and international publications and not be evaluated by any other magazine. Texts previously published in event annals will not be accepted.

2) Suitability of the Theme: The topics covered must be from the area of ​​Social Sciences or have an approach to the areas of knowledge of Social Sciences, such as Anthropology, Political Science, Sociology, Philosophy, History, International Relations, etc., including an interdisciplinary approach.

3). Minimum qualification: All authors must be postgraduate or linked to a postgraduate program. Submissions from undergraduate or graduate students will be evaluated as long as they are co-authored with a teacher or doctor.

4). Preparation of originals: Manuscripts must be sent through the OJS platform, already in “blind evaluation” format (without data identifying authorship) in .doc/word format, A4 sheet, Times New Roman font, size 12, spacing 1.5 between lines, justified alignment, with upper left margins of 3cm and lower right margin of 2cm. The title must be placed in bold capital letters, size 14, at the beginning of the text, in the center, in English, Portuguese and Spanish.

5). The abstract and keywords must be in English, Portuguese and Spanish. The abstract must contain between 100 and 250 words, contain the objective, method and conclusion of the work, followed by a minimum of 3 (three) and a maximum of 5 (five) keywords, which appear below the abstract, preceded by the expression Keywords, and separated from each other by a comma and terminated by a period. Manuscripts must include an introduction (with a clear definition of the objectives of the text), methodological procedures, analysis/report of results and conclusions/final considerations;

6). The title, summary and keywords should be clear and objective and designate what actually produced the text.

7). Manuscripts must contain between 4,500 and 9,000 words (between 12 and 25 pages), excluding those used as references.

8). Authorship: All authors must be registered in the system at the time of submission. Incorrect completion of the data, as well as the absence of data and any problem in your registration, may invalidate your shipment. The minimum authorship criteria are: a. Active participation in the discussion of the results of the presentation; B. revision of versions according to suggestions from the reviewers and the editorial board, as well as approval of the final version of the work.

9). The name(s) of the author(s) should be placed in italics, right-aligned and below the name(s), ORCID. Below each name, a footnote should be placed with the author's information: institutional affiliation, title, funding (if applicable), email address, and origin of the text (dissertation, thesis, research report, etc.). This element must be attached as a complementary document at the time of sending the manuscript, duly completed with the data of all the authors in the Form.

10). Bibliographic references are mandatory and must follow the ABNT NBR 6023/2023 Standard, presented at the end of the article. Or follow the American Psychological Association (APA) style presented at the end of the article. For more examples of bibliographical references in the ABNT Standards, click here. For more examples of bibliographical references in the American Psychological Association (APA) standards, click here.

11). Footnotes, if applicable, must be explanatory and numbered with Arabic numerals, with progressive numbering until the end of the article.

12). Citations, in accordance with ABNT NBR Standard 10520/2023 and the Style of the American Psychological Association (APA), follow the author/date system: Last name (year, page) or (Last name, year, page). Examples: Coelho (1980, p. 35) or (Coelho, 1980, p. 35). In ABNT standards, short literal quotes (less than three lines) will be integrated into the paragraph and must appear between quotation marks. From four lines, they must be highlighted with font size 10 (ten) and indented four centimeters to the left, with single spacing. In the style of the American Psychological Association (APA), short literal quotes (less than 40 words) will be integrated into the paragraph and must appear between quotation marks. More than 40 words must be highlighted in Times New Roman font, size 11 (Eleven) and indented 1.3 centimeters on the left, single space between lines and without quotation marks. For examples and more information on citation according to ABNT standards, access here. For examples and more information on citation according to American Psychological Association (APA) standards, click here.

13). For information on the presentation of tables, graphs, illustrations and charts, consult the ABNT NBR 6022/2018 Standard. To see an example, click here.


  1. From the submission Essays

The Essay section of Revista Aurora accepts the submission of Unpublished Exclusive and Original essays, the minimum degree required is a master's degree. The essay must respect the call for papers periods for each edition. Its theme should not fit into the theme proposed in the calls for papers, remaining isolated from the Dossier section.

It is necessary to present ideas related to specific research and themes (according to the focus/scope of the journal), elaborated in a discursive, logical and reflective manner, with a high level of interpretation and critical spirit. It must be between 12 and 15 pages long, not counting the bibliographic reference.

2.1 Only one author per essay is allowed.

2.2 In the case of publication, Revista Aurora reserves the right to keep the work permanently available, allowing the author to republish it in any other means of dissemination, as long as the original publication is mentioned.

2.3 The essay must respect the deadlines for the Call for Papers for each edition. Its theme must not fit into the theme proposed in the Call for Papers, remaining isolated from the Dossier section.

2.4 The essay must be submitted in Doc/Word format, Times New Roman font, size 12, 1.5 spacing between lines, justified alignment, with top and left margins of 3cm and bottom and right margins of 2cm and page numbering, side bottom right.

2.4.1 The abstract must be in Portuguese and in a foreign language, contain between 100 and 250 words, and succinctly present the objectives, methods and conclusions of the essay.

2.4.2 followed by a minimum of 3 (three) and a maximum of 5 (five) keywords, appearing below the summary, preceded by the expression Keywords:, and separated from each other by a comma and ended by a period.

2.4.3 The title, abstract and keywords are mandatory in  Spanish and English presented after the Portuguese version.

2.4.4 Bibliographic references are mandatory and must follow the American Psychological Association (APA)Standards, being presented at the end of the test. For an example of bibliographic references and for citation rules, Access here.

2.4.5 The citations, according to the American Psychological Association (APA) Standards, follow the author/date system, according to the following criteria: Surname (year, page) or (Surname, year, page). Examples: Coelho (1980, p. 35) or (Coelho, 1980, p. 35). Short literal quotations (less than 40 words) will be integrated into the paragraph and must appear in quotation marks. More than 40 words must be highlighted in Times New Roman font, size 11 (Eleven) and indented 1.3 centimeters to the left, with single spacing between lines and without quotation marks. For examples and more information about references. Access here.

2.5 The author's name must be placed in italics, aligned to the right and below the name, the ORCID (click here). At the end of the name, a footnote must be placed with the author's data: institutional affiliation, title, financing (if applicable) email address. This item must be attached as a supplementary document, duly completed with the data of all authors in the Form.


  1. Submission of Reviews

3.1 Only one author per Reviews is allowed.

3.2 In the case of publication, Revista Aurora reserves the right to keep the work permanently available, allowing the author to republish it in any other means of dissemination, as long as the original publication is mentioned.

3.3 The review must respect the deadlines for the Call for Papers for each edition. Its theme must not fit into the theme proposed in the Call for Papers, remaining isolated from the Dossier section.

3.4 The review must be submitted in .doc format (Word for Windows compatible editor), Times New Roman font, size 12, 1.5 line spacing, with top and left margins of 3 cm and bottom and right margins of 2 cm and numbering on pages, bottom right.

3.5 The abstract must be in Portuguese and a foreign language, contain between 100 and 250 words, and succinctly present the objectives, methods and conclusions of the review. Followed by a minimum of 3 (three) and a maximum of 5 (five) keywords, appearing below the abstract, preceded by the expression Keywords:, and separated from each other by a comma and ended by a period

3.5.1 The title (and the original author of the book reviewed), the summary and keywords in Spanish and English, presented after the Portuguese version, are mandatory.

3.5.2 It must have a minimum of 2 (two) and a maximum of 5 (five) pages and must have the bibliographic data of the book reviewed.

3.5.3 The name of the review author must be italicized, aligned to the right and below the name, the ORCID. In the name, a footnote must be placed with the author's data: institutional affiliation, title, funding (if any) electronic address This item must be attached as a supplementary document, duly completed with the data of all authors in the Form.

3.6 Only reviews of books published in the last two years will be accepted.

3.7 The citations, according to the American Psychological Association (APA) Standards, follow the author/date system, according to the following criteria: Surname (year, page) or (Surname, year, page). Examples: Coelho (1980, p. 35) or (Coelho, 1980, p. 35). Short literal quotations (less than 40 words) will be integrated into the paragraph and must appear in quotation marks. More than 40 words must be highlighted in Times New Roman font, size 11 (Eleven) and indented 1.3 centimeters to the left, with single spacing between lines and without quotation marks. For examples and more information about references. Access here.

4 From the Submission of Interviews

4.1 They must deal with themes and subjects relevant to the area of Social Sciences, observing the focus/scope of the journal.

4.2 In the case of publication, Revista Aurora reserves the right to keep the work permanently available, allowing the author to republish it in any other means of dissemination, as long as the original publication is mentioned.

4.3 The interview must respect the deadlines for the Call for Papers for each edition. Its theme must not fit into the theme proposed in the Call for Papers, remaining isolated from the Dossier section.

4.4 Interviews must be submitted in .doc format (Word for Windows compatible editor), Times New Roman font, size 12, 1.5 line spacing, with top and left margins of 3 cm and bottom and right margins of 2 cm, justified and page numbering, lower right.

4.4.1 The interviews must be written in Portuguese, contain a minimum of 8 (eight) and a maximum of 25 (twenty-five) pages, including images, tables and footnotes. Words written in a language different from that used in the writing of the article must be written in italics.

4.4.2 It must have a title, an introductory text about the interviewee and 3 (three) and a maximum of 5 (five) keywords in Portuguese and in a foreign language. The title, the introductory text about the interviewee and the keywords in Portuguese, Spanish and English are mandatory.

4.4.3 The name of the author of the interview must be italicized, aligned to the right and below the name, the ORCID. In the name, a footnote must be placed with the author's data: institutional affiliation, title, funding (if any) electronic address This item must be attached as a supplementary document, duly completed with the data of all authors in the Form.

4.5 Every interview will need written authorization from the interviewee stating that he or she authorizes the publication of the content. The authorization must be submitted as a supplementary document in the journal's submission system.



To ensure the confidentiality of the authors' identity, personal information should be removed from the Properties of the submitted file (tutorial for Microsoft Word available HERE).

Author information should only be filled in the specific fields during the online submission process (Step 3. Submission metadata), which are exclusively accessible to the journal's editors.

Guidelines and Peer Review

Preliminary Check

Every contribution submitted to Revista Aurora undergoes, firstly, a preliminary assessment by the Editors that analyzes the suitability of the work according to the Journal's editorial line, its adequacy to the scope, aspects such as contribution and originality of the text, as well as, by checking Similarity/ Plagiarism (iThenticate/Turnitin) and artificial intelligence.

If plagiarism is found, as well as misuse of Artificial Intelligence, those responsible will be prohibited from submitting again to the journal for the next five years.

Peer review

Submissions that have gone through the editorial verification process are forwarded to two ad hoc evaluators specialized in the subject, who will serve as support to the editors, and a third reviewer may be consulted in case of conflict in the assessments. The review system is double blind: the names of the reviewers will remain confidential, and the names of the authors will also be omitted from the reviewers.

Modifications and/or corrections suggested by reviewers regarding the content and/or writing are passed on to the authors, who will have a limited period of time to make the required changes or justify their maintenance.

 Opinions may result in 4 types of evaluations: Accept; Accept with revisions; Submit again for evaluation; Reject.

The publication of works is subject to compliance with the recommendations of the referees. The final decision is made by the editorial committee, coordinated by the editor responsible for the evaluation.


The average time between submission and publication of articles, when accepted, is six months, in order to carefully complete the stages of authors' final reviews, grammatical review, standardization, layout, and editing. Visit the peer review guidelines for more information.

 If you have any questions, please contact the journal by email:

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The manuscript is original, unpublished, and not being reviewed by another journal.;
  • The submission text files are in .docx, .rtf or .odt format;
  • Author identification has been removed from the body of the text, notes and file properties of all documents submitted for evaluation (check the properties menu of all documents);
  • Authors have an ORCID record (;
  • The text follows the Template provided by Aurora Magazine and completely follows the formatting style and bibliographic requirements described in the Author Guidelines;
  • All listed authors participated in the work and are responsible for its content, and agree to the submission of the article to Revista Aurora;
  • The author(s) declare(s) that there are no relevant conflicts of interest;
  • In case of use of artificial intelligence, the author(s) have carefully read and agree with Revista Aurora's Artificial Intelligence (AI) Policies and Conditions of Use.

Privacy Statement

The names and addresses informed in this journal will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication and are not available for other purposes or to third parties.