Human music and training in basic education: gender studies and human rights of women for integral training


  • Ana Laura Bonini Rodrigues de Souza Faculdade de Filosofia e Ciências (FFC) – UNESP/campus de Marília
  • Mariane dos Santos Gomes Faculdade de Filosofia e Ciências (FFC) – UNESP/campus de Marília
  • Vandei Pinto da Silva Faculdade de Filosofia e Ciências (FFC) – UNESP/campus de Marília



Educação, História da Educação, Gênero, Direitos Humanos das Mulheres, Música


Education is established in the Brazilian Federal Constitution as a fundamental right, which should be encouraged for the integral development of the human person (art.205, CF/88). Thus, based on the Maximum Law (CF/88) in conjunction with the Law of Directives and Bases of Brasilian Education (LDB, nº 9394/96) it is the right of the students, a teach beyond the obligatory curricular contents, as well as the knowledge of the historicity contained in the struggle of women for their rights, patriarchy, citizenship, that is, issues involving gender, culture and human rights. Louro (2015) emphasizes the issue of gender, before a society that was historically constructed under sexed bodies, and, given the situation of extreme Brazilian political-social conservatism (presidential elections 2018), the urgency of gender studies in schools for the demystification of fallacious concepts on the present theme is remarkable. Valuing the seriousness of the studies of gender with the artistic contributions, extolling the music, we intend with the present article, to show the possibility of sensitization towards humanity in the educational process, in addition to the awareness that, in order to change the social culture, it is necessary to emphasize the importance of knowledge to the historical learning of the society in which we live. According to Lima and Akuri (2017) for learning, the child needs the motivation to act, that is, has the need to feel and get involved, going to the encounter with the historical-critical pedagogy systematized by Demerval Saviani (2013) that includes the child’s learning with reality, challenging pedagogues and pedagogues to adhere to more human formative processes.

Submissão: 2019-03-08

Aceite: 2019-10-17

Author Biographies

  • Ana Laura Bonini Rodrigues de Souza, Faculdade de Filosofia e Ciências (FFC) – UNESP/campus de Marília

    Bacharela em Direito pelo Centro Universitário Eurípedes de Marília – UNIVEM (2016). Mestranda em
    Educação (PPGE – UNESP/Marília

  • Mariane dos Santos Gomes, Faculdade de Filosofia e Ciências (FFC) – UNESP/campus de Marília

    Pedagoga – UNESP/Marília (2017). Mestranda em Educação pela pela Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho (PPGE – UNESP/Marília

  • Vandei Pinto da Silva, Faculdade de Filosofia e Ciências (FFC) – UNESP/campus de Marília

    Doutor em Educação pela Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho – PPGE – UNESP/Marília (1998). Professor Assistente Doutor da Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho (PPGE – UNESP/Marília)





Dossier Articles

How to Cite

Human music and training in basic education: gender studies and human rights of women for integral training. (2019). Revista Do Instituto De Políticas Públicas De Marília, 5(2), 59-78.

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