Beberibe-CE municipal schools: a deconstruction of racial preconception


  • Rayssa da Silva Moura
  • Flávio Melo de Souza
  • Alexandre dos Santos Rocha



Affectivity, Ludicidade, School, Learning, Identities


This article aims to discuss ethnic-racial prejudice through affectivity and playfulness in the educational context of theater. By participating in the staging of plays, students are motivated to learn, which allows them to build their own knowledge, and at the same time to identify with the history and culture of the black population. The municipal schools encouraged by the Beberibe Multicor Project develop theater as an educational tool, which has contributed to the self-affirmation of the subjects' identities and improved self-esteem, and therefore of learning. It is believed that it is possible to deconstruct, through affectivity and playfulness, racist and prejudiced practices in schools. Finally, it is necessary that we become aware of this sad reality that blacks and Afro-Brazilians still experience in this society that excludes by difference.

Submissão: 2018-11-25

Aceito : 2019-01-06

Author Biographies

  • Rayssa da Silva Moura

    Discente do Curso de Pedagogia do Instituto Educacional Cearense (IEC) e do curso de Licenciatura em Geografia da Universidade Estadual do Ceará (UECE). Auxiliar pedagógica da Creche Municipal Maria Zéa de Queiroz Ferreira.

  • Flávio Melo de Souza

    Discente dos Cursos de Pedagogia do Instituto Educacional Cearense (IEC) e do curso de Licenciatura em Geografia da Universidade Estadual do Ceará (UECE).

  • Alexandre dos Santos Rocha

    Historiador (UVA), Pedagogo (FAK), Cientista Humano (UNILAB), especialista em Museologia e Psicopedagogia (FVJ), mestrando em Educação e Ensino (UECE/FAFIDAM/FECLESC) e bacharelando em Antropologia (UNILAB). Docente do Instituto Educacional Cearense (IEC).





Dossier Articles

How to Cite

Beberibe-CE municipal schools: a deconstruction of racial preconception. (2018). Revista Do Instituto De Políticas Públicas De Marília, 4(2), 9-18.