Africanities in Brazil: history and contribution of the black people to the cultural formation of our country


  • Carine dos Santos Bessa
  • Alexandre dos Santos Rocha



Education, Africanities, African culture and history


This work, entitled "Africanities in Brazil: history and contribution of the black people to the cultural formation of our country ", seeks to discuss aspects of the history of the black people and their descendants in Brazil, their origin, arrival and experience in the Brazilian lands, identifying their cultural influence, as well as analyzing the legislation that was in force and in force in favor of Afro-descendant culture. Finally, reflect on how to implement Law n. 10,639 in regular schools through the disciplines, contents and subjects taught in the classroom, in the search for recognition and appreciation of this culture. The interest for this theme arose when participating in the organization of a pedagogical project on the African culture to be applied in a school of basic education of high school. Having noticed the misunderstanding of fellow teachers and their unpreparedness to address such a topic, with no ideas for classroom approaches or discussions with students. We use a qualitative approach, in the light of bibliographic studies of the area. We conclude that it is necessary to understand that a society is made up of people belonging to distinct ethnic-racial groups, who have their own culture and history, equally valuable and who together build a nation. Only when everyone has this thought will we be free of prejudiced and discriminatory ideas.

Submissão: 2018-10-25

Aceito: 2019-01-06


Author Biographies

  • Carine dos Santos Bessa

    Especialista em Gestão Escolar e Coordenação Pedagógica – Faculdade Kurius; Professora Efetiva da Secretaria de Educação do Estado do Ceará.

  • Alexandre dos Santos Rocha

    Especialista em Museologia e Psicopedagogia (FVJ). Instituto Educacional Cearense (IEC). 





Dossier Articles

How to Cite

Africanities in Brazil: history and contribution of the black people to the cultural formation of our country. (2018). Revista Do Instituto De Políticas Públicas De Marília, 4(2), 33-44.