Education in Human Rights in the Gender Per spepective and Sexualities: the Role of Teacher Mediation in Public Early Childhood Education in the State of São Paulo


  • Matheus Estevão Ferreira da SILVA
  • Talita Santana MACIEL
  • Tânia Suely Antonelli Marcelino BRABO



Education, Human rights, Gender, Sexualities, Mediation


This article, developed through a bibliographical and documentary review, is part of the
research “Mediation, human rights and citizenship: educational policies, conceptions and actions
in public schools of the state of São Paulo and Spain”, corresponding to the contextualization and
theoretical reflection of the role of teacher mediation in the education in human rights from a
gender perspective, specifically in Early Childhood Education. Thus, it brings the historicity and
the construction of the social category of gender as one of the agents of optimization and progress
of the treatment applied to human diversity is brought forward, as support of the affirmation
and compliments of the human rights of the subjects carried out by such category. It was held a
historical rescue of the development of the gender category carried out over the years and then
contextualized with the promulgation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Brazil’s
commitment to the fulfillment of its guidelines and the human rights education, finally, to expose
and analyze the correspondences of the mediation proposal in public schools in the state of São
Paulo with human rights education, as well as the gender implications in conflict management. It
should be stressed that the social transformation contained in the category of gender and all the
theoretical-practical apparatus that this carries, studied and developed on scientific bases, reaches
values and behaviors, reproduced culturally and historically, internalized in social relations and that,
from these, gender proposes a change, the birth of a culture in/for human rights that respects and
praises the differences, in which mediation, and education as a whole, has a primordial function in
the formation of people in human values.

Submissão: 2017-03-25

Aceite: 2017-08-10

Author Biographies

  • Matheus Estevão Ferreira da SILVA

    Graduando em Pedagogia pela Universidade Estadual Paulista “Júlio de Mesquita Filho” (UNESP-FFC-Campus de Marília).

  • Talita Santana MACIEL

    Pedagoga e Mestranda do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação pela Universidade Estadual Paulista “Júlio de Mesquita Filho” (UNESP-FFC-Campus de Marília). Integrante do Núcleo de Direitos Humanos e Cidadania de Marília (NUDHUC) e do grupo de pesquisa e estudos NUDISE - Núcleo de Gênero e Diversidade Sexual na Escola. E-mail:

  • Tânia Suely Antonelli Marcelino BRABO

    Pós-doutorado em Educação pela Universidade do Minho, Braga-Portugal. Pós-Doutorado em Educação pela Universidade de Valência-Espanha. Doutorado em Sociologia pela FFLCH-USP. Mestre em Educação pela UNESP- FFC-Campus de Marília. E-mail:





Dossier Articles

How to Cite

Education in Human Rights in the Gender Per spepective and Sexualities: the Role of Teacher Mediation in Public Early Childhood Education in the State of São Paulo. (2017). Revista Do Instituto De Políticas Públicas De Marília, 2(2), 9-30.