Diversity Management and New Technologies in the Educational Context


  • Regina Coeli Morais Krelling IFPA
  • Gilson de Oliveira Morais Júnior IFPA
  • Clóvis Maxwell Andrade Martins IFPA




Diversidade, Tecnologia, Gestão


This work brings an approach to the role of educational managers and the use of technologies in meeting diversity. It deals with the concept of culture, diversity, and cultural diversity, here, as a role that requires a differentiated service, in educational institutions, however inclusive. Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) or New Information and Communication Technologies (NICT) are allies of schools, favoring the teaching-learning process, when properly managed. The problems of implementing information technologies are challenging, making the entire institution participate in this work of inclusion of minorities. The way in which this process is conducted is also the basis of this project. The schools, through their managers, are looking for strategies that benefit this contingent of people, who are barely visible, because of the consequences of a past of suffering and social injustice. Our purpose is only to raise reflections on problems that are not new, but that still face obstacles, apparently indissoluble, yet possible to be managed.

Key-words: Diversity. Managers. Educational Technologies.

Author Biographies

  • Regina Coeli Morais Krelling, IFPA

    Mestranda em Educação/Unesp/Marília

  • Gilson de Oliveira Morais Júnior, IFPA

    Mestrando em Educação/Unesp-Marília

  • Clóvis Maxwell Andrade Martins, IFPA

    Mestrando em Educação/Unesp/Marília



How to Cite

Diversity Management and New Technologies in the Educational Context. (2023). Revista Do Instituto De Políticas Públicas De Marília, 9(1), 41-50. https://doi.org/10.36311/2447-780X.2023.n1.p41