School breakfast model in primary education in Angola

a view on the importance of school breakfast based on Decree 138/13 of september 24


  • Catarina Cuva de Fatima Vilar Chiquemba Faculdade de Filosofia e Ciências - FFC - Campus de Marília



Primary Education, Importance of School Lunch, Angola


This article aims to show the structural and functional system of the school lunch program in primary education in Angola, as well as to describe its importance for local communities and primary school students in Angola, but before that, a description is made about the education and teaching system of angola within the scope of law no. 17/16 of 7 october, we think it is important to do this work since, in our view, the educational policies in primary education linked to school meals play a major role mainly in rural areas and among the most disadvantaged families or those with low economic income, on the other hand, it should be noted that school meals have been a policy implemented by the Angolan Government within the scope of the National Development Plan, which contains several axes, including the education sector, Integrated Municipal Program for the Development and Combat of Poverty, among others with the purpose of contributing to the maintenance of children in school , contribute to your diet so that you have a greater commitment to school activities on the one hand and, on the other, to value local production for daily consumption in school lunch snacks.





Dossier Articles

How to Cite

School breakfast model in primary education in Angola: a view on the importance of school breakfast based on Decree 138/13 of september 24. (2021). Revista Do Instituto De Políticas Públicas De Marília, 7(1), 9-26.