Participatory master plan

Participatory master plan: urban policy and new social actors


  • Alexandre dos Santos Rocha Escola Municipal Pedro de Queiroz



Plano Diretor, Elaboração, revisão e implementação, Participativo


This article discusses the elaboration, revision and implementation of the Participatory Master Plan of Beberibe in 2006 by various social segments that exposed the needs of an urban policy capable of promoting a developed and fair city to live in. Our study was based on bibliographic research and documents produced by the multidisciplinary team during the PDP review phases. The research has a qualitative-descriptive approach for bringing data extracted and confronted with the theory cited. The methodology followed was developed by the Ministry of Cities through the City Statute that was applied and guided by Cearah Periferia to the multidisciplinary team of the Beberibe City Hall. At first, a diagnosis of the three climates was carried out: coast, mountains and hinterland. To outline the study and analysis of vulnerabilities and socio-environmental impacts in the municipality. Areas were identified that needed to receive more investment and priority care due to the lack of equipment and urban infrastructure. Finally, as long as we have groups opposing the city equal to all, it will never fulfill its social function of allocating access to land and social goods collectively built to those who really need and justly deserve it.

Author Biography

  • Alexandre dos Santos Rocha, Escola Municipal Pedro de Queiroz

     Historiador (UVA), pedagogo (FAK), cientista humano (UNILAB), especialista em museologia, psicopedagogia
    (FVJ), mestre em educação e ensino (UECE/FAFIDAM/FECLESC) e graduando em antropologia (UNILAB).





Dossier Articles

How to Cite

Participatory master plan: Participatory master plan: urban policy and new social actors. (2020). Revista Do Instituto De Políticas Públicas De Marília, 6(1), 21-36.