Symbolic violence against women: From domestic space to university

from home to university




Symbolic Violence. Male domination. Patriarchal family. Woman. University.


In this text the objective is to analyze how the symbolic violence exerted against women in the family space extends to the Brazilian university academic. The hypothesis is that in this process the structures of male symbolic domination designed by the Brazilian patriarchal family over generations are reproduced, which makes this type of violence more subtle compared to physical violence, but no less devastating. Brazilian university students are constantly subjected to verbal abuse, humiliation, moral and psychological abuse by teachers, colleagues and staff who share the academic space with them, but such acts are recurrently naturalized by the perpetrators, and often by the victims themselves. for being impregnated in Brazilian society. The analysis relies mainly on Bourdieu's studies of male domination and symbolic power and violence.

Submission: 2019-08-19

Author Biography

  • Maria Inês Almeida Godinho, UNIMAR - Universidade de Marília

    Graduação: Rádio e TV / FAAP/SP

    Mestrado: Comunicação - ECA/USP

    Docente área audiovisual 

    Atual - Unimar - Universidade de Marília





Dossier Articles

How to Cite

Symbolic violence against women: From domestic space to university: from home to university. (2020). Revista Do Instituto De Políticas Públicas De Marília, 6(1), 9-20.