School and curriculum: an analysis on the absence of living and learning of popular class students in basic education


  • Tânia Maria Lima
  • Claudiana Nogueira de Alencar
  • Sandra Maria Gadelha de Carvalho
  • Mila Nayane da Silva
  • Maria Ivanilde Fidelis Damasceno Rabelo



School curriculum, Experiences and learning, Educandos


The present article presents results of a brief analysis about the absence and concealment of the knowledge that correspond to the social experiences of the students of the popular class in the curricula of basic education, in order to understand to which ends and interests the denial of this knowledge has served in the current capitalist social situation. Equally important, we seek to reinforce in this analysis the role that this knowledge plays in meaning and critical formation in the perspective of liberation as a social being of individuals, so that they accompany them beyond their educational path. In order to do so, we opted for a theoretical-bibliographical research, especially with authors such as Miguel Arroyo (2013, 2014), Lucia Alvarez Leite (2015) Roseli Caldart (2012), Tomaz Tadeu da Silva (2010), among others that make important considerations on this theme and its relations. In analysis, we can state that the hierarchical and selective values ??attributed to the contents in the curricular base express interests and relations of power, which, in turn, respond to the maintenance of the current social situation divided into classes, which are marked by antagonistic interests and strong exploitation of the ruling class over the working class.

Submissão: 2018-07-23

Aceito: 2018-12-12


Author Biographies

  • Tânia Maria Lima

    Mestranda em Educação e Ensino pela Universidade Estadual do Ceará – UECE. Especialista em Educação, Pobreza e Desigualdade social pela Universidade Federal do Ceará. Graduada em Licenciatura Plena em Pedagogia.

  • Claudiana Nogueira de Alencar

    Professora adjunta da Universidade Estadual do Ceará (UECE). Professora do Curso de Mestrado Acadêmico Intercampi em Educação e Ensino (MAIE).

  • Sandra Maria Gadelha de Carvalho

    [1] Professora adjunta da Faculdade de Filosofia Dom Aureliano Matos, da Universidade Estadual do Ceará (FAFIDAM/UECE). Professora do Curso de Mestrado Acadêmico Intercampi em Educação e Ensino (MAIE).

  • Mila Nayane da Silva

    Graduada em Licenciatura Plena em Pedagogia pela Universidade Estadual do Ceará – UECE. Mestranda em Educação e Ensino pela Universidade Estadual do Ceará – UECE.

  • Maria Ivanilde Fidelis Damasceno Rabelo

    Graduada em Tecnólogo em Saneamento ambiental. Curso técnico em agropecuária – Instituto Federal de Educação Ciência e Tecnologia





Dossier Articles

How to Cite

School and curriculum: an analysis on the absence of living and learning of popular class students in basic education. (2018). Revista Do Instituto De Políticas Públicas De Marília, 4(2), 59-68.