Dermeval Saviani: a little of his life, some of his works


  • Carmen Laenia Almeida Maia de Freitas
  • Maria Irani Mendes Maia
  • Maria José Alves de Freitas Oliveira
  • Soraia Colaço



Dermeval Saviani, Life and work, Historical-critical pedagogy


The present work aims to make a rescue of part of the life of one of the greatest Brazilian educators, Professor Dermeval Saviani, besides presenting a synthesis of some of the main works of this author and reflect on the importance of his Theory in the present time. The text is written and adapted from a Bibliographic Survey conducted in the year 2014 for the Evaluation Seminar of the Discipline Theories of Education, compulsory curricular component of the Intercampi Academic Master in Education and Teaching - MAIE of the Faculty of Philosophy Dom Aureliano Matos - FAFIDAM, under the regency of professors José Ernandi Mendes, Maria das Dores Mendes Segundo and José Deribaldo Gomes dos Santos. During the research, elements such as Life and Work, Academic Career and Prizes of this theorist were highlighted, as well as the analysis of four texts of his vast bibliographical production, the books: School and Democracy (1983), Historical-Critical Pedagogy (2012), History of Pedagogical Ideas in Brazil (2007) and the article: Work as Educational Principle in the face of New Technologies (2012). From the theoretical study the currentness of his Theory was evidenced, fronts the Theories of Learning-Learning or Post-Critical Theories that were not able to overcome the problems of education. As a final result, the study revealed that it is only from the point of view of a Critical Theory like Saviani that Brazilian public education could actually be at the service of the interests of the working class.

Submissão: 2018-11-25

Aceito: 2019-01-06

Author Biographies

  • Carmen Laenia Almeida Maia de Freitas

    Mestre em Educação e Ensino pela UECE. Pedagoga do IFCE Campus Morada Nova.

  • Maria Irani Mendes Maia

     Mestre em Educação e Ensino pela UECE. Professora da Rede Municipal de Limoeiro do Norte.

  • Maria José Alves de Freitas Oliveira

    Mestre em Educação e Ensino pela UECE.  Extensionista da Ematerce.

  • Soraia Colaço

    Mestre em Educação e Ensino pela UECE. Socióloga da Prefeitura Municipal de Horizonte.





Dossier Articles

How to Cite

Dermeval Saviani: a little of his life, some of his works. (2018). Revista Do Instituto De Políticas Públicas De Marília, 4(2), 19-32.