Unveiling the Criminal Execution Law

a critical analysis from the perspective of applicability in the refrigeration agroindustry


  • Lucirlene Maciel Cavalheiro Quintana
  • Elcio Gustavo Benini




Políticas Públicas, Lei de Execução Penal, Mão de Obra carcerária


Studying the applicability of distressed labor in cold-processing industries is not limited to the entrepreneurial costs of industry, but considers a number of factors of public and private interest. As a result, this study analyzed the entrepreneurial knowledge and the viability of public policies as an agroindustrial management tool for financial reduction in slaughterhouses in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul. The contextualization also addressed the perception of the employers ‘and employees’ unions, the intervening agency and prisoners, with an economic attractiveness and social responsibility. The empirical field was composed of the main normatives that constitute the legal framework of the policies of insertion of distressed labor, which characterizes this research as exploratory and qualitative. As a result, the conclusion is a synthesis of the feasibility of using public policies in the hiring of prison labor, peculiarities of the agri-industrial activity and the applicability of this sentenced workforce.

Submissão: 2018-04-26

Aceite: 2018-07-04

Author Biographies

  • Lucirlene Maciel Cavalheiro Quintana

    Mestranda em Adm. na Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul

  • Elcio Gustavo Benini

    Professor Doutor da Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul.





Dossier Articles

How to Cite

Unveiling the Criminal Execution Law: a critical analysis from the perspective of applicability in the refrigeration agroindustry. (2018). Revista Do Instituto De Políticas Públicas De Marília, 4(1), 89-116. https://doi.org/10.33027/2447-780X.2018.v4.n1.08.p88