
Editing is an internal process under the responsibility of the Editorial Team and, at the end of each stage, the author is notified and must approve the final versions of the document to continue the editorial flow. The process steps are:

  1. Grammar review.
  2. Normalization.
  3. Layout.

Proof Reading

Proof reading is a fundamental step to guarantee the quality of what is published by the journal. After approval of the final version of the document by the author, the document is finalized. In this last stage, it is necessary to carry out a detailed review, aiming to make corrections resulting from the layout or changes of another nature.

After the final review, the author(s) receive the Acceptance for Publication Term, so that they can check one last time if the document is correct. Only after sending the Term of Acceptance for Publication signed by the author(s) will the document be published.


After signing the Term of Acceptance for Publication, the document is inserted into the OJS system and assigned to the specific edition. As RIPPMar is a continuous flow, the document is immediately published and disseminated by the system and on institutional and social networks.

RIPPMar assigns the Digital Object Identifier (DOI) to each published article.

If there is interest and budget availability, printed editions can be produced.