Preliminary Analysis

All documents submitted to RIPPMar first receive a preliminary evaluation from the Editors, which aims to analyze the adequacy of the content to the focus and scope of the journal, the contribution and originality of the content and the journal's Editorial Policy.

The preliminary analysis also consists of checking whether the text has been published previously, applying the iThenticate software, in order to observe similarity and/or plagiarism. In addition, the metadata is completed on the OJS platform, regarding the quality of the metadata reported and compliance with the technical criteria defined in the editorial standards.

After the preliminary analysis, the Editorial Team makes the appropriate editorial decision, being able to refuse, request corrections, resubmit or forward the document for peer review (Double Blind Peer Review).

Appointment of Evaluators
The invitation to evaluate a document is confidential. The evaluation is carried out by two ad hoc evaluators specialized in public policy issues and aligned with the content of the document. The evaluation is carried out in the OJS system itself, using Double Blind Peer Review, that is, the names of the evaluators remain confidential and, on the other hand, the name(s) of the evaluator is omitted. (s) before the evaluators, except in the preprint evaluation process. If there is disagreement between the two ad hoc evaluators' opinions, the document is sent to a third ad hoc evaluator.

The designation of evaluators is based on the following factors: knowledge of the topic covered; occupation area; profile described on the Lattes and ORCID Platforms; in the journal’s own register of evaluators; recommendation of the Editorial Board.