Geopolitics of Destruction

a new world geopolitical (dis)order




Geopolitics, Social conflicts, global insertion, world geopolitical order


The article intends to analyze, initially, the Brazilian situation before and during the moments of emergence of the New World Order in the 1990s and its internal meanings in terms of society, economy and politics and the great interests at stake. With that, the objective of this is given: geopolitics as an expression of interests and internal struggles marked by social classes. This objective is nothing new, since, at this point, it is linked to the tradition of Carl von Clausewitz: not only war, but its social-spatial processes (geopolitics) are extensions or continuations of politics by other means. To conduct this process, the article will cover sociocultural issues in Brazil, the political and economic transformations after the 1964 dictatorship and, through this analysis, induce a Marxist geopolitical analysis leading to the now-already of the international order.

Author Biography

  • Marcelo Micke Doti, CEETEPS (CPS) - Fatec

    Full-time professor and researcher (RJI) at the CPS (CEETEPS) of the State of São Paulo at the Faculty of Technology (Fatec/Campus Mococa) and psychoanalyst (in training). The intellectual field of my studies is configured especially in the interfaces between philosophy of technology, society and current forms of subjection. This involves and articulates in a very special way philosophy, social criticism and psychoanalysis with their potential for intervention in this criticism not only being, but also, a clinical field. Within this perspective, then, studies related to ICTs and their modalities, their configurations on individuals within a society of control and modulation of subjectivities, affecting them both in their psychic doing as well as in their educational acts are strongly imbricated. This is highly relevant when talking about the digital world and education, especially depending on which concept of education is in evidence: education as formation and engagement of subjects in the complexities of the historical and social reality that permeate their existence.
    Graduated in Economic Sciences (Unesp/FCLAr), Masters in Political Philosophy (Unicamp/IFCH), Masters in Sociology (Unesp/FCLAr), PhD in Energy Systems Planning (Unicamp/FEM) and postdoctoral in Energy Research (UFABC/ CECS).



How to Cite

Geopolitics of Destruction: a new world geopolitical (dis)order. (2023). Revista Fim Do Mundo, 4(9), 216-230.