


Virtual assistants, ADHD, Accessibility, Accessibility. Higher education. Special needs studens. Satisfaction.


The objective of this article was to verify how virtual assistants have contributed to the accessibility of students with ADHD in higher education. As a methodological procedure, we interviewed students with ADHD enrolled in undergraduate and graduate courses at higher education institutions. All those selected are from different Brazilian states and use virtual assistants for at least six months. The approach was carried out through social networks, after some posts by the selected ones about the use of virtual assistants and their diagnosis of ADHD. The in-depth interviews were structured around three axes: user profile, use of virtual assistants and use with an educational focus. The results highlight the importance of developing technologies already thinking about the accessibility requirement. We understand that access to different technologies can facilitate academic performance and the development of potential for students with ADHD.

Author Biographies

  • Ana Cláudia dos Santos LINHARES, Federal University of Santa Catarina - UFSC

    Master in Education from the Regional University of Blumenau (FURB). Has a degree in Administration; Degree in Pedagogy with - emphasis on Special Education; Postgraduate in Special and Inclusive Education and postgraduate in Management and Guidance and School. She is currently a Pedagogue at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), working in the Educational Accessibility Coordination.

  • Eric Araujo Dias COIMBRA, Federal University of Santa Catarina - UFSC

    Graduated in International Relations (Univali) and Geography (UFSC); specialist in Public Policies (UDESC), master in Geography (UFSC) and doctor in Political Sociology (UFSC). He has experience in the areas of Political Sociology and International Relations. I participated in the Social Movements Research Center at UFSC. I worked as a teacher in several elementary, high school and youth and adult education (EJA) schools. I taught technical and postgraduate courses at the Federal Institute of Santa Catarina (IFSC); and for higher education at Anhanguera Educacional and the State University of Rio Grande do Sul (UERGS).


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