The analysis of the tale “the little woman of the world” by Clarice Lispector

content and form of dialectical materialism


  • Andressa Cristina Molinari
  • Ana Claudia Bazé de Lima
  • Cyntia Graziella Guizelim Simões Girotto
  • Daniele Aparecida Russo
  • Rosângela Miola Galvão de Oliveira
  • Sandra Aparecida Pires Franco



Conteúdo e forma, Feminino, Materialismo histórico e dialético


The purpose of the text is to analyze the tale “The Lesser Woman of the World” by Clarice Lispector under the heading of Historical and Dialectical Materialism, specifically, the characteristics of the feminine in the tale and its relation to the dialectical category content and form. Literature in its historical-social process demonstrates through its characters the social transformations of thoughts, behaviors, which reflect the yearnings and needs of society in specific moments. In Brazilian literature this process also occurs and can serve as a historical and social foundation for the reader. In the case of the female characters, the transformations can show the discriminatory character suffered by the woman in different spheres: social, political, religious, cultural, psychological, economic, historical. The analysis of the story seeks to highlight the social role of women in the context of the production of the narrative, having as a parameter the dialectical method of Marx, whose transformation of reality excels by the comprehension of the totality in which the tale is inserted and its interrelations with production the character of Clarice Lispector. First, it is necessary to understand the concepts of content and form in the perspective of historical and dialectical materialism for the real understanding of the story that is written in Portuguese and English. Second, the presentation of the historical and social context of production of history. Thirdly, to analyze the female role in the tale of the main character, articulating the concepts of content and form, compared to the translation of excerpts from the work in English. The analysis of the story in this theoretical perspective gives the reader the understanding of the concepts of content and form, in a way that shows the importance of the historical and social context of production for the understanding of the essence of the story. We can see from the analysis of the feminine that, despite the current social achievements of women in the country, we still find ourselves subjugated to the subordinate and supporting role in social transformation, and being the margin of the process, we only have the romantic image of unconditional love symbol.

Submissão: 2018-06-01

Aceite: 2018-07-30

Author Biographies

  • Andressa Cristina Molinari

    Doutoranda no Programa de Pós Graduação em Educação pela UEL, (PR). Professora colaboradora na mesma Universidade no curso de Letras-Inglês e professora da Rede Básica de ensino.

  • Ana Claudia Bazé de Lima

    Mestranda no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação pela UNESP FFC- Marília (SP).

  • Cyntia Graziella Guizelim Simões Girotto

    Livre-Docente em Leitura e Escrita. Professora na graduação e no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação pela UNESP FFC- Marília (SP).

  • Daniele Aparecida Russo

    Doutoranda no Programa de Pós Graduação em Educação pela UNESP FFC- Marília (SP).

  • Rosângela Miola Galvão de Oliveira

    Mestre pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação da UEL.

  • Sandra Aparecida Pires Franco

    Docente do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação da UEL.





Dossier Articles

How to Cite

The analysis of the tale “the little woman of the world” by Clarice Lispector: content and form of dialectical materialism. (2018). Revista Do Instituto De Políticas Públicas De Marília, 4(1), 65-78.