Survival and Gender Violence in Space: advances, ambiguities and perspectives


  • Lidia M. V. POSSAS



Gender, Violence, Survival and Academic Space


The present research project / CNPq emerged in the context of the commemorative reflections of the 40 years / UNESP (1976-2016) and assumed as an object of analysis (re) taking the historical trajectory of the university, evaluating the “agencies”, the student demands existing in a gender perspective. As a partner of the goals adopted, the research is based on the urgency of effectively guaranteeing social, gender and racial inclusion in academic life in the face of the numerous confrontations and conflicts that are present in the life of university campuses. The proposal starts from an epistemological perspective in order to guarantee a review of the images and representations that we have of our academic reality in the Latin American context. It is not a study, but an analysis of social practices and gender - based violence in the “rape culture” experienced in the university environment - UNESP. Inserted in Present Time and in the perspective of capturing oralities through the different narratives and testimonies of students, considered the victims / survivors resulting from this type of violence including the analysis of the behaviors and values observed in the student activities as the trot (prohibited in UNESP but maintained with other meanings and practices), the parties and the “lightning” relationships. We start with questions such as: Why does this kind of physical or psychological violence persist and what are the reasons in an academic environment with a population of higher education? Which alternatives are possible to observe? How to deal with vulnerability to frequent retaliation and the persistence of harassment and even aggression? How has UNESP coexisted and faced the tensions and conflicts of gender relations in these 40 years of its trajectory?

Submissão: 2017-05-15

Aceite: 2017-08-28

Author Biography

  • Lidia M. V. POSSAS

    Livre-Docente em Historia da América latina, Cultura e Gênero, junto ao Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Sociais – Linha 2: Identidade, Cultura e Memoria e Coordª. Laboratório Interdisciplinar de Estudos de Gênero/LIEG – UNESP, campus de Marília





Experience Report

How to Cite

Survival and Gender Violence in Space: advances, ambiguities and perspectives. (2017). Revista Do Instituto De Políticas Públicas De Marília, 3(1), 97-106.