Female monoparental family: the woman as chief of family


  • Francisco Antônio Morilhe LEONARDO
  • Ana Graziele Longo de MORAIS




Single-parent family, Woman, Genre


The present work has as scope to identify the obstacles, dimensions and other problems faced by single parent families in Brazil, since, over time, the family has undergone gradual transformations and adaptations, being directly influenced by the social reality and the diversity of domestic structures in which they adapt according to the emergent era. In this way, the role of women, nowadays, will be discussed as head of family and mother, provider of family dynamics, in which she is in socially vulnerable circumstances. Regarding single-parent families, it is understood that gender issues do not influence family outcomes due to paternal absence, in addition to risk factors, where the economic situation that includes them is reserved, since it is the State’s responsibility to confront the necessity of this reality by the bias of public social policies, in order to conquer Human Rights, which, within limits and possibilities, seek to overcome their vulnerable condition.

Submissão: 2017-05-10

Aceite: 2017-08-30

Author Biographies

  • Francisco Antônio Morilhe LEONARDO

    Mestre em Didática do Ensino do Direito (Univem -Marília-SP). Centro Universitário Eurípedes de Marília/SP (Univem, Marília-SP). kiko_marilia@hotmail.com

  • Ana Graziele Longo de MORAIS

    Pós Graduada em Psicopedagogia Clínica e Institucional pela UCAM ProMinas. UCAM - Universidade Cândido Mendes. ani_longo@hotmail.com





Dossier Articles

How to Cite

Female monoparental family: the woman as chief of family. (2017). Revista Do Instituto De Políticas Públicas De Marília, 3(1), 11-22. https://doi.org/10.33027/2447-780X.2017.v3.n1.02.p11