About the Journal

The journal 'Revista do Instituto de Políticas Públicas de Marília' (RIPPMar) (e-ISSN 2447-780X) is linked to the Institute of Public Policies of Marília (IPPMar), Faculty of Philosophy and Sciences, of the Sao Paulo State University (Unesp) has been published since 2015.

RIPPMar is a space for the publication of academic-scientific research aimed at debating topics relating to public policies in Brazil and around the world, contributing to subsidize the governmental decision-making process in different spheres, through the dissemination of new public policy proposals and the search for transparency in the handling of public affairs.

RIPPMar has fulfilled the objectives of IPPMar, especially with regard to consolidating itself as a space for debates, generation and exchange of experiences and knowledge, broadly committed to rigor and academic and scientific excellence, as well as improving communication referring to the results of investigations into public policies developed by different institutions, seeking to strengthen local, regional, state, national and international research networks.

Publishes original documents that present content focused on public policies in the most diverse sectors: politics, economy, environment, education, management and urban planning, culture, health, technology and innovation, tourism, among others, covering both the State (first sector) , private companies (second sector) and various civil society organizations (third sector).

RIPPMar does not require any fee from the author. All documents submitted and approved are open and free to readers online.

RIPPMar is considered an inter, multi/pluri and transdisciplinary journal concerning theoretical and practical studies of phenomena related to the scope presented below.


Faculty of Philosophy and Sciences

São Paulo State University (Unesp) - Marília/SP