Teacher Professionalism, Inclusive education, Higher EducationAbstract
This article aims to explain teaching professionalism from the perspective of inclusive education in the context of higher education, establishing dialogues with the Theory of Social Representations (TRS). In this work, we adopted a qualitative approach, through an exploratory and bibliographical study, whose content sheds light on why the perceptions, senses and meanings of university teachers, around their professionalism for inclusive education, comprise a relevant phenomenon of social thickness, decisive to be considered when idealizing a pedagogical practice that materializes the social and educational ideals of education from an inclusive perspective, in the context of a higher education institution. The research was carried out on a national and international scale in the SciELO, Web of Science, SCOPUS and Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations databases, in a time frame from 2017 to 2023 and adopting the areas of Social Sciences, Education, Arts as search criteria. and Humanities and the following key words: teacher training, continuing training, inclusive education, people with disabilities and higher education. The results indicated a fertile field of studies, given the incipient productions around the nexus of teaching professionalism and inclusive education, particularly in the context of higher education.
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