Conflicted identities and the feminine in postcolonial literature
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Assia Djebar

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Conflicted identities and the feminine in postcolonial literature: Rebellion and Transgression in La Soif (1957), from Assia Djebar. Revista Aurora, [S. l.], v. 17, p. e024002, 2024. DOI: 10.36311/1982-8004.2024.v17.e024002. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


Assia Djebar (1936-2015) is regarded as one of the greatest writers of Maghreb. The analysis of the author's debut novel, La Soif (1957), brings as contribution the understanding of how the identity issue presented itself to a maghrebian intellectual about to enter postcoloniality. Its protagonist of autobiographical inspiration lives between two worlds that regulate in different ways the conduct of body and sexuality. The conducts of the protagonist challenge normative tradition, tending to westernization in her search for freedom, though her choices can lead to a sense of unbelonging. The confrontation of visions manifests itself as identity crises and questions related to the destination of women facing marriage. La Soif and its analysis highlight Djebar’s acute criticism of women's situation in Algerian society, with emphasis on the impacts of pressure related to marriage and motherhood on mental health in the individual sphere.

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