Reflections on the hypermedia production process in anthropological research
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Reflections on the hypermedia production process in anthropological research. Revista Aurora, [S. l.], v. 17, p. e024004, 2024. DOI: 10.36311/1982-8004.2024.v17.e024004. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


The article evaluates the use of hypermedia and its language in the dissemination of scientific works. Result of a research project on women's work in Afro-Brazilian religions, we built a website in order to communicate the results of empirical research. “Obligation” in Candomblé refers to all activities carried out to carry out the ceremonies and the main obligation is the preparation of sacred foods for sacrifice to the gods, later shared with the community. We equate these works in the terreiros with domestic work, relating it to the condition of female work in the local scenario to show the voluntary character and resistance to exploitation when carried out in the Afro-Brazilian religious community. The hypermedia was composed in a mosaic format of photographs added by a diversity of images (videos, audio, photos, slides and written texts) that deal with the various aspects of the activities of Afro-Brazilian religious cooks since their family and their domestic chores. at home to their paid work. The display of research results in hypermedia follows the same foundation as scientific research, that is, both are reconstructions of social reality designed to respond to the problem raised. Just as the written language did not replace the spoken language, the audiovisual report does not replace the written report, it is complementary to it. However, unlike this one, it represents the conceptual through the subject's experience in the world. As an instrument of scientific communication, it contributes to new conditions of observer/observed dialogue because it favors all those involved in the investigation.

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