Processes transformers of a teaching experience: the case of a teacher of blind


  • Alberto d'Avila Coelho Instituto Federal Sul-rio-grandense, campus Pelotas
  • Rita de Cássia Rosa dos Santos



Special Education, Blindness, Body, Power rating, Desire


The present text aims to present some results and conclusions of a research carried out from the experiences of a teacher-researcher and her students, who have no sense of sight or low vision. The modes of existence in bodies involved in everyday learning situations produced subjectivities that served as a research subject, based on a qualitative research of a cartographic nature. Some encounters and movements between these subjects were observed and problematized in search of questionnaire answers, which are: how does a psychic teacher process knowledge with a group of blind students in sensory experience? How does their blindness interfere with their ways of “seeing” themselves in the world and in the exercise of their teaching? Following a narrative-cartographic mode we arrive at some results pointed out in this article: that a non-clairvoyant body exposed to sensations enables a learning by other ways of seeing, hearing and feeling vitalizing a discarded life; That there is a corporation-force next to the physical, trivial body that is effected in the transformations that powerful encounters are capacities of promotion when in the production of desire.

Author Biographies

  • Alberto d'Avila Coelho, Instituto Federal Sul-rio-grandense, campus Pelotas

    Professor efetivo do Instituto Federal Sul-rio-grandense, campus Pelotas (IFSUL). Possui doutorado em Artes Visuais (2005-2009) e pós-doutorado em Educação (2014). Atua no Programa de Pós-graduação (Mestrado Profissional) em Educação e Tecnologia, na linha de pesquisa 2 Intervenções no espaço-tempo da educação básica: filosofia, arte e tecnologias.

  • Rita de Cássia Rosa dos Santos

    Mestre em Educação pelo Programa de Pós-graduação (Mestrado Profissional) em Educação e Tecnologia, do Instituto Federal Sul-rio-grandense (IFSUL), campus Pelotas. Graduada em Pedagogia (2000) pela Universidade Federal de Pelotas (UFPEL). Professora na rede pública (estadual e municipal) da cidade de Pelotas/ RS.





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