


Continuing education, Methodological accessibility, Deafness, Inclusion, Chemistry teaching


This paper aims to present a proposal for continuing education for Chemistry teachers, focusing on methodological accessibility applied to teaching deaf students. The proposal was developed from a master's research that identified gaps in the training of Chemistry teachers at the Integrated High School of the Federal Institute of Paraíba regarding the necessary knowledge for teaching this science to deaf students. It is a pedagogical action research seeking answers to the needs identified in the institution. The continuing education course was based on recognizing the uniqueness of deaf people in their relationship with the world, manifested by the cultural artifacts of visual experience and sign language. The pilot course was developed on the Google Classroom platform and addressed the thematic areas: understanding deafness and sign language; methodological accessibility; the Chemistry teacher in the education of deaf people; and bilingual education for the deaf. After offering and evaluating the pilot course, the video lessons produced were restructured and made available on the YouTube channel of the João Pessoa campus of the Federal Institute of Paraíba, with audio in Portuguese and signed in Brazilian Sign Language, in addition to the creation of a replicable model version of the course on Google Classroom. The continuing education course was considered a tool with the potential to minimize the difficulties found in initial training gaps, starting from teaching situations with concrete examples from classroom reality, beyond a limited theoretical perspective.


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Author Biographies

  • Regina VALENTIM-MONTEIRO, Federal Institute of Paraiba - IFPB

    Master in Professional and Technological Education - ProfEPT - IFPB
    João Pessoa Campus 2023; Specialist in Education and Inclusion -
    UNIPÊ 2008 and in Libras - Tupy Institute 2011; Graduated in
    Pedagogy (School Supervision) - UFPB 1995. Libras teacher
    at IFPB João Pessoa Campus since 2013 to the present day. She is
    proficient in Translation/Interpretation in Libras (PROLIBRAS).
    Emphasis on studies focused on Education, Teacher Training, Deafness and Bilingualism. Coordinator of the
    LibrasQuim Project: Chemistry Glossary in Libras with 149 signs
    applied to the teaching of Chemistry, available for online access.

  • Deyse Morgana das Neves CORREIA, Federal Institute of Paraiba - IFPB

    Pedagogy (2008), Master (2011) and Doctor (2016) in Education from the Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB), working on the permanent staff of the Postgraduate Program in Professional and Technological Education (ProfEPT). She holds the position of Director of Research at the Pro-Rectory of Research, Innovation and Postgraduate Studies (PRPIPG) of IFPB and vice-coordinator of ProfEPT. Researcher in the area of ​​Education, working mainly on the themes: Rural Education; Professional and Technological Education; Pedagogical Organization; Public Education Policies; Education and Health; Education and Work; Inclusive Education.

  • Andréa de Lucena LIRA, Federal Institute of Paraiba - IFPB

    PhD in Process Engineering, Master in Food Science and Technology, Graduated in Chemistry and Food Engineering. Full Professor at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Paraíba - João Pessoa Campus. Has experience in the area of ​​Education, Science and Food Technology, with emphasis on Inclusive Education. Member of the faculty of the Postgraduate Program in Professional and Technological Education - ProfEPT. Researcher PIBIC/IFPB. She is an evaluator for the National Higher Education Assessment System (BASis).


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