Special education, Complexity, Interpretation, Portuguese language, Brazilian Sign Language.Abstract
At the expense of a greater insertion of the deaf in the academic environment, the educational interpreter of Brazilian Sign Language – Libras, has been gaining recognition in relation to the importance of his performance in the teaching process of this student. This study explored the aspects that confer complexity to the interpretation of Portuguese for Libras in the educational environment, aiming to identify, understand and offer reflections on the elements that foster this phenomenon, in order to build new perspectives in the field of action of the educational interpreter of Libras, with emphasis on the collaborative work between the teacher and the educational interpreter. With a unique case study, through the simple self-confrontation instrument proposed by Yves Clot (2010) with an approach in the psychodynamics of work that sought to promote the reflection of one's own action during the work activity. Intertwining the conception of Sobral (2008) and the assumptions of Bakhtin (2009, 2010) that emphasize the dialogic nature of language, it argued that the meaning of words emerges from interaction in specific contexts and the field of translation that there is a need to recreate the dialogue between different cultures and social contexts. Resulting in the survey of the following elements that confer complexity. Resulting in the survey of the following elements that confer complexity to the interpretative act in the educational sphere: I) construction of concepts: from simple to complex; II) collaborative work between the teacher and the educational interpreter; III) emotional aspects in the performance of the educational interpreter.
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