a study on the reality on the case of Miracema/RJ





Special Education, Autism. Inclusive education. Teaching work, Miracema/RJ Specialized Service Center


This case study brings reflections on possibilities for implementing the concept of a school for all in everyday school life, reinforcing the importance of the struggle movement for people with disabilities in our country. It focuses on the situation of Special Education in the municipality of Miracema/RJ based on a comparative analysis between the Municipal Education Plan (2015-2025) and normative and political devices (such as: the National Education Plan, the Law of Guidelines and Bases of Education and the National Policy on Special Education from the Perspective of Inclusive Education) that guarantee education for all as a human right. The work carried out by the municipality's Specialized Assistance Center (NAE) is also analyzed. Methodologically, the study was carried out taking bibliographic and documentary research as its starting point. It is theoretically based on authors such as: Paulo Freire, Maria Tereza Mantoan and Rita de Cassia Fumegalli. It is concluded that the municipality of Miracema has been expanding its horizons with regard to the implementation of what is implied by goal 4 of the National Education Plan and the National Special Education Policy from the Perspective of Inclusive Education, seeking to promote a break with related social prejudices to the education of students with disabilities, charting a new path, where the commitment is to an education that proposes to be universal, which must include diversity, moving away from standardized models, which do not respect the reality of students and their families and promote scenarios of exclusion and school failure.

Author Biographies

  • Danielle Pereira BARCELLOS, Fluminense Federal University - UFF

    Master's student in Teaching at the Fluminense Federal University - UFF. Teacher at the State Department of Education - SEEDUC. Tax Auditor at Miracema City Hall. In-person tutor for the Accounting Sciences course - CEDERJ/UFRJ. Specialist in Municipal Public Management from UNIRIO. Specialist in School Management - FAETEC. Bachelor of Accounting Sciences from Universidade Federal Fluminense. Graduated in Mathematics from the UNIVERSO Teacher Training Program. Degree in Applied Social Sciences - Special Pedagogical Training Program for Teachers for the subjects of Elementary Education (last four grades), Secondary Education and Professional Education at secondary level from the Catholic University of Brasilia - UCB. Member of the Observatory on Inclusion in Education and Human Rights (https://sites.google.com/view/observatoriouff/). Areas of interest for academic studies: Accounting, Public Management, Participatory School Management, Inclusive Education, Youth and Adult Education, Diagnosis, Diversity and Learning Difficulties.

  • Jacqueline de Souza GOMES, Fluminense Federal University - UFF

    Adjunct Professor at the Fluminense Federal University - UFF. Coordinator of the Observatory on Inclusion in Education and Human Rights (https://sites.google.com/view/observatoriouff/). Professor of the Postgraduate Program in Teaching at the Fluminense Federal University. With post-doctoral research completed in Bioethics at PPGBIOS/UFRJ, having been a PNPD/CAPES fellow (2012-2013). With post-doctoral research in progress on Special Education, at PPGE/UFRRJ. PhD in Philosophy from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (2011). Master in Philosophy from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (2006). Bachelor of Law from Universidade Federal Fluminense (2005), Bachelor of Philosophy from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (2003) and degree in Philosophy from the Catholic University of Brasília (2008). Academically, he works in the following areas: normative and applied ethics; theories of justice; philosophical perspectives on disabilities; human rights of people with disabilities; teaching and diagnostics; inclusion, health and human rights.


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