Reflections about study case of dyslexic children’s writing
Dyslexia, Reading, Writing, Language Development, NeuropsychologyAbstract
The present work was elaborated with the purpose of understanding the process of development’s fragment of the written language of two children diagnosed with dyslexia. By using a qualitative exploratory research methodology, this work consisted on the analysis of texts produced by two dyslexic children enrolled in elementary and middle schools. In order to understand the collected data, the studies cognitive and linguistic psychology were used as a theoretical basis. For an individual to read, they need to become proficient, mainly, in the phonological, lexical and metalinguistic abilities, but due to the biological deficit, the dyslexic individual presents difficulties in reading processing, facing obstacles when they are in school.The results obtained from the analysis of the children's texts have shown that the main difficulties in the phoneme-grapheme relationship that affect writing are different in each individual, allowing considerations to help pedagogues and teachers to develop assertive pedagogical practices that will contribute to the acquisition and development process of the written language of dyslexic children.
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Qualis Capes (2017-2020)
Education: B1