Considerations about the teaching of sociology in high school and historical cultural theory
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Teaching of Sociology
Historical Cultural Theory
Sociology of Education
Pedagogical Practice

How to Cite

Considerations about the teaching of sociology in high school and historical cultural theory. Revista Aurora, [S. l.], v. 12, n. 3, p. 41–52, 2019. DOI: 10.36311/1982-8004.2019.v12esp.06.p41. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


Whether in teacher training, in the academic or classroom setting, sociology teaching for high school and its practice have peculiar characteristics and challenges to be overcome; although the history of the discipline in the country has a long history, it was through Law 11684/08 that it remained permanently in the official curricula of the last decade. The concern to construct the scientific and academic field of the Social Sciences was priority and thus, the school discipline is distinguished from the others, being able to discard or substitute. The main argument regarding the “fragility” of the subject refers to the complexity of content and its possible usefulness in the basic training of adolescents. In this sense, how can we construct a pedagogical practice that allows the adequate transposition of the contents of the school, besides affirming the relevance of Sociology in basic education? The present article seeks to reflect on a transformative pedagogical practice for the school discipline of sociology through the contributions of Historical-Cultural Theory in relation to teaching and learning. In order to do so, we sought to problematize the role of school in capitalist society and to understand the role of social sciences in the school institution through the pedagogical device of denaturalization of social phenomena and the intermittent relation of the discipline to the models of curricula. Finally, it is considered that the theoretical contributions offered by the Historical-Cultural Theory in the discipline of sociology enable mediated learning activities attributed to meaning.

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