The movement of women from the neighborhood community workshops nova Marilia - SP
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How to Cite

The movement of women from the neighborhood community workshops nova Marilia - SP: engendering a new feminism? . Revista Aurora, [S. l.], v. 5, p. 79–90, 2021. DOI: 10.36311/1982-8004.2012.v5n0.2365. Disponível em: Acesso em: 2 jul. 2024.


ABSTRACT: From a gender perspective, as a category of historical analysis, and through interdisciplinary dialogue with Sociology, Anthropology and History, this article is dedicated to a brief analysis of the everyday ‘Nova Marília Community Center’ and women who were their founding member. Deepening the study of discourses and practices, observed and recorded through ethnographic work presented in dissertation, the text seeks to understand how these women consented and / or reacted to the dominant representations of gender difference. Particularly, here we work with the incorporation of social norms considered ‘natural’ and the concept of ‘symbolic violence’ established by Pierre Bourdieu. In this sense, we also understand the emergence of a feminist / feminine, in which women are quite capable of articulating responsibilities and privileges not only for themselves but also for the collective good.

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