Social thought and public policies
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Social thought
public policies

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Social thought and public policies. Revista Aurora, [S. l.], v. 4, n. 2, p. 1–2, 2021. DOI: 10.36311/1982-8004.2011.v4n2.1280. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


In the Dossier Section, the Journal periodically covers the themes that give name to the Lines of Research of the Postgraduate Program in Social Sciences at UNESP, Marília-SP. Therefore, in this edition the theme covered is “Social Thought and Public Policies”. The initial article, authored by Maurício Bernardino Gonçalves, PhD student in Social Sciences at UNESP, Araraquara-SP campus, is entitled “Boaventura de Souza Santos and the ‘postmodernity of contestation’: some Marxist notations”. Next we list the article “Democracy: typology, relations and contemporary expressions”, written by Carla Salles Rosa and Danuta Cantoia Luiz, master's student and PhD Professor, respectively, both in the area of Applied Social Sciences at the State University of Ponta Grossa. Following the reading, the third article in the section deals with “Relations between State and Civil Society: reflections on democratic perspectives”, authored by Andressa Kolody, Carla Salles Rosa and Danuta Luiz. The fourth work analyzes “Social development through technological development: an overview of Public Policies in the Brazilian technology sector in the first FHC Government (1996-1999)”, text prepared by Bárbara Regina Vieira Lopes, a graduate student in International Relations at UNESP, Marília campus. Below we have the article “Leadership and professional motivation: political strategy and labor representation”, by Rodrigo Moreira Vieira, a master's student in Social Sciences in this program. The author problematizes the use of ideological and motivational strategies as corporate actions to break workers' resistance. Continuing, the work of Geruza Silva Oliveira, a PhD student in Sociology at the Federal University of Goiás, presents us with results from her research on “City, Urban Space and its Dynamics”, paying attention to forms of interaction and interpersonal contacts in the public space of the center of Goiânia . Next, Aurora offers a debate on urban and rural spaces, bringing the article “Rural sociology and new rurality: some theoretical obstacles”, written by Fernanda Cristina Laubstein, master's student in Social Sciences at UNESP, Marília campus. This concludes the Dossier Section, in an attempt to put different themes and perspectives on social thought and public policies into dialogue. In the Miscellaneous Section, Revista Aurora brings articles on varied themes, sometimes interdisciplinary, seeking to contemplate the wide diversity of human sciences. The initial work is by Adriana Marcela Bogado, who discusses social movements as educational spaces in the article “The struggle also teaches you: teaching-learning processes within the framework of Argentine social movements”. The following article is about “Ethics and Politics in Hegel: the determining forms of the Democratic State of Law”, prepared by Marcelo Lira Silva, PhD student in Social Sciences at UNESP, Marília campus. The next work is entitled “Pre-Salt, National Question and Federative Pact: methodological considerations in government policy analysis”, contributed by Arthur de Aquino, master's student in Political Science at Unicamp. The final article in the miscellaneous section was sent to us by Matias Lopez and Mateus de Araújo, masters from the Postgraduate Program in Sociology and Anthropology at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. With the title “Development and narratives of modernity: Costa Pinto and the construction of a transnational sociology for the third world”, the authors contribute to this edition with the study of the life and work of the Brazilian sociologist Luiz de Aguiar Costa Pinto. Finally, in the Special Section, Revista Aurora brings a new contribution from Professor at the University of São Paulo, Doctor Osvaldo Coggiola, with the article “The First Workers' International and the Paris Commune”. Below, Professor Anderson Deo presents us with the work: “Change so that everything remains as it is: the conservative modernism of Fernando Henrique Cardoso”. The qualified debate in this section ends with the contribution of the Professor at UNESP in Marília, Doctor Jair Pinheiro, in the article “Worldviews in Struggle”.

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