Abdullah Öcalan as an organic intellectual
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Abdullah Öcalan
Antonio Gramsci
Organic Intellectual

How to Cite

Abdullah Öcalan as an organic intellectual: a Gramscian Approach. Revista Aurora, [S. l.], v. 14, n. 3, p. 117–134, 2021. DOI: 10.36311/1982-8004.2021.v14esp.p117-134. Disponível em: https://revistas.marilia.unesp.br/index.php/aurora/article/view/12698.. Acesso em: 8 jul. 2024.


In this work, we seek to carry out an analysis of the revolutionary Kurdish Abdullah Öcalan, from a Gramscian perspective, in particular, seeking to identify the Kurdish revolutionary as an organic intellectual. To this end, we follow the history and intellectual and militant development of Abdullah Öcalan, since the founding of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party in 1978, in Turkey, following the developments of his performance as general secretary of the organization, and the theoretical transformations he carried out after his prison in 1999. After that, we started to relate the theoretical conceptions of Abdullah Öcalan with the notions of Hegemony and War of Position, defended by the Italian Antonio Gramsci.

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