Corrections Policy

  1. Editors may consider correcting occasional errors in a publication when:

1.1 It is proven through electronic correspondence between author and editor, as well as analysis of the manuscript deposited as the definitive version for publication, that occasional errors are diagramming errors.

2 Editors will not consider correcting occasional errors in a publication when:

2.1: It is confirmed through electronic correspondence between the author and the editor that, after the corrections required for publication and the final revision of the text - carried out by the author and editor -, the manuscript is configured as a definitive version. Therefore, any errors identified after publication cannot be corrected.

On the allegation, investigation and declaration of scientific misconduct

Allegations of misconduct by authors, evaluators and editors are analyzed by the Editorial Board, which has a period of 30 days to respond to the author of the allegation. This field includes suspicions of plagiarism, fabrication and falsification of data, divergence between published texts and the journal's standards, improper self-citation, exchange of citations and improper practices that may impact editorial metrics. If the misconduct is identified, the article object of the complaint will be excluded from the journal, with the respective justifications.