Towards an inclusive institutional culture: The case of the Faculty of Psychology of the Universidad de la República


  • Sofía Isabel Sáez Antille Facultad de Psicología, Universidad de la República
  • Leonardo Torres Guerrero Facultad de Psicología, Universidad de la República



Educational inclusion, Disability, Faculty of Psychology


Following the guidelines of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Uruguay has developed a variety of policies to guarantee the inclusion in every level of education. In this sense, the present article executes a survey of the process of inclusion of those students with disabilities that have access to the public higher education, particularly to the Faculty of Psychology of the Universidad de la República. In order to do so, it begins with the statistical data of the last census of undergraduate students of the University, to continue then, with the programmes that had been developed in Psychology regarding three levels of accessibility: physical, communicational and academic. It highlights the creation of the Educational Inclusion Commision and the Learning Support Program in order to identify and improve the transit of the students through the institution. In addition,statistical data is presented which shows the increase in the enrollment of students with disabilities to the faculty in the period 2016-2018. This article aims to be an element for future research that account for the transit of students with disabilities and enable further progress in the construction of an inclusive institutional culture.





Dossiê - Inclusão no Ensino Superior