


Teaching-Research-Extension tripod, Empowerment and Participation, Mothers of people with disabilities.


this article aims to show the importance of articulation between academic teaching, research and extension actions in Higher Education institutions. To this end, the article focuses on the teaching-research-extension tripod as a field of training and intervention in social processes. In this particular case, it is developed based on doctoral research that adopted the Pró-Mães Extension Project as a data collection field, which had 20 mothers of people with disabilities as a population. In terms of teaching, the project involved the participation of three undergraduate students. This research aims to enable the process of empowering participants. The research results revealed four categories that constituted the Pró-mães Program: 1. unveiling corrosive experiences; 2. (re)knowledge of the collective; 3. (re)knowledge of internal power and expertise; 4. social and political participation. Likewise, the research shows that the intertwining between the teaching- research-extension triad plays a fundamental role in disseminating scientific knowledge to the population with consequent improvements in quality of life, in facing barriers and solving problems. It is worth highlighting that when articulating the teaching-research- extension tripod: a) there is the production of scientific knowledge based on the real lives of the participants; b) promotes engagement in the social and political dimension; c) enables intervention in social processes with the aim of strengthening the community in its specific issues; d) a training space is created for university students with regard to the acquisition of academic and research skills.


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Author Biography

  • Alessandra Miranda Mendes SOARES, Federal Rural University of the Semi-Arid Region - UFERSA

    Graduated in Pedagogy (2002) and Master in Education from the Federal University of Paraíba (2010), Specialist in Psychopedagogy from the Faculdade Integrada de Patos (2004) and PhD in Education from the Federal University of Paraíba, with co-supervision at the University of Barcelona (2018). Adjunct professor at the Federal Rural University of Semi-Árido, she develops teaching, research and extension, in the themes: inclusive education, cultural studies, rights of people with disabilities and their mothers, empowerment processes and self-advocacy. Researcher at the CNPq Study and Research Group: Gender, Education, Diversity and Inclusion and Coordinator of the Study and Research Group on Inclusive Education and Accessibility - GEPEIA.


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