



Giftedness, Autism, Twice exceptionality., Identification


There are individuals who combine skills and competencies and who, however, have deficits in communication and social interaction. This article discusses the underrepresentation of gifted individuals and individuals on the autistic spectrum, identified as twice exceptional. Cross-sectional quantitative research was carried out, using a structured closed questionnaire, designed with the aim of characterizing workshop participants in two different events, with guardians of children and adolescents, held remotely, aimed exclusively at gifted individuals (n = 20). The individual was characterized as mostly male, born between 2007 and 2010, being identified by psychometric test, predominantly

enrolled in Elementary School I at a private school, and residing in the city of Niterói. The majority do not participate in enrichment extracurricular activities or have any double exceptionality condition. The small number of individuals in the twice exceptionality condition involving giftedness and autism spectrum disorder (n = 2) suggests negligence, which, in turn, may be related to: (a) lack of knowledge, especially regarding the professionals involved in the identification and service; (b) prejudice related to autism. When it comes to the twice exceptionality involving giftedness and autism, the underrepresentation of autistic individuals, when also gifted, is quite important because: (a) the condition of giftedness can mask or minimize the possible losses resulting from the disorder; (b) people attribute different values to one condition and another.


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Author Biographies

  • Felipe Rodrigues MARTINS, Oswaldo Cruz Institute – FIOCRUZ

    PhD in Science Teaching from the Oswaldo Cruz Institute – FIOCRUZ. Coordinator of the Inclusion Space Sector at the Instituto Superior do Rio de Janeiro – ISERJ.

  • Fernanda Cerpa CARDOSO, Fluminense Federal University – UFF

    PhD in Sciences and Biotechnology from the Fluminense Federal University – UFF. Adjunct Professor at the Department of Cellular and Molecular Biology and the Professional Master's Degree in Diversity and Inclusion (CMPDI) at the Fluminense Federal University – UFF

  • Rosane Moreira Silva de MEIRELLES, State University of Rio de Janeiro - UERJ

    PhD (2003) and Master (1999) in Sciences from the stricto sensu Program of Cellular and Molecular Biology at the Oswaldo Cruz Institute (IOC-Fiocruz) and graduated in Biological Sciences (1995, degree) from UNESP (Universidade Estadual Paulista - Rio Claro campus - SP). Adjunct Professor in the Department of Science and Biology Teaching (DECB - IBRAG - UERJ), since 2015. Advisor in the stricto sensu Program in Teaching in Biosciences and Health in partnership with the Laboratory of Innovations in Therapies, Teaching and Bioproducts (LITEB - IOC - Fiocruz), since 2004 and advisor in the Professional Master's Program in Biology Teaching (PROFBIO - associated with UERJ), since 2017. Coordinator in the lato sensu Course in Science Teaching (DECB - IBRAG - UERJ), since 2023. Works in lines of research, which contribute to classroom practices and teacher training: - Health Education; - Critical Environmental Education; - Teaching-learning in Science and Biology; Science, - Scientific Dissemination (Academic Master's and Doctorate degrees) and - Production and Evaluation of Teaching Resources for Teaching Science and Biology (lato sensu and Professional Master's). Prociência Scholarship (UERJ-FAPERJ): 2017-2020/ 2020-2023/ 2023-current.


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