


Education, . Special education, Inclusive education


it is necessary to eliminate exclusion and segregation, seeking the inclusion of all people, regardless of their differences, enabling participation in all areas of society, one of which is the school. Therefore, it is important to include and not only integrate students with disabilities and/or disorders. For there to be inclusion, it is important to work with perceptions about disabilities, since these influence social attitudes. Based on this, the objective of the research, the results of which are presented in this article, consists of, in the context of a school, analyzing the perceptions of students without disabilities about hearing impairment. For this, 21 children enrolled in a third year of the initial years of elementary school in a municipality in the interior of São Paulo participated in the research. The children answered a questionnaire with questions about hearing impairment, then participated in an information program on inclusion and diversity, recording what they had learned. Then, a qualitative analysis of the contents contained in the children's records was carried out. There was a significant increase in children's favorable perception of hearing impairment, as they initially showed more unfavorable responses, however after participating in the children's information program meeting, there was a significant increase in favorable responses to respect and respect. empathy regarding individual differences and potentialities. of people with hearing disabilities. Therefore, it is necessary to look for possibilities of moments in school for dialogue related to inclusion and diversity, since these moments can change the perceptions of children and, consequently, their social attitudes.

Author Biography

  • Aline de Novaes, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul - UFMS

    Teacher, Doctoral Student in Education (Capes 6 concept), with a Teaching Internship in the Family Orientation subject; Specialist in Special and Inclusive Education (2018) with Outstanding Scientist. Master's Degree in Education (2017 / concept capes 5 / CNPq / Brazil scholarship) by the Graduate Program in Education at Unesp FFC- Campus de Marília / SP with a Teaching Practice in the subject; History of Brasil. Institutional and Clinical Psychopedagogy of the Faculdade Iguaçu / Indep (2015). Pedagogo (2012 / CNPq Scholarship / Brazil), by Unesp FFC- Campus de Marília / SP, received the title of Academic Merit for excellent performance and prominence in achieving the highest average in the Pedagogy Course. He worked from 2011 to 2013, as a Scientific Initiation Scholar (Pibic / CNPq / Unesp), he developed research related to the History of Education. In 2011 he developed activities as a fellow in the Teaching Initiation program (Pibid / Unesp / Capes), in the Literacy Subproject. Member of research groups, namely: GP FORME- Educator Training (since 2013), GEPCIE (since 2015), Difference, Deviation and Stigma (since 2016) and HiDEA-Brazil (since 2018). Member of the Brazilian Society for the History of Education (SBHE) (2018-2022) and of the Brazilian Reading Association (ALB) (2020). Author of the book: Privileged space and place for teacher training: Instituto de Educação 'Fernando Costa' (1953-1975) Available at: Organizer of books and book chapters, articles, complete works, expanded and simple summaries, published in the annals of national and international scientific events. She has experience in the field of Education, with an emphasis on the History of Education, working mainly on the following topics: Early Childhood Education, inclusion and teacher training.



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