Teacher training, Special education, BlindnessAbstract
This article aims to present an experience report, in which we narrate formative meetings at Benjamin Constant Institute (IBC), a reference institution in the care of people with blindness and low vision, located in Urca, Rio de Janeiro. We are teachers and researchers of our formative trajectories and we consider that formation is not only limited to teacher education courses, but it goes beyond, overflowing such boundaries. In this sense, living together at IBC allowed us to question some certainties that we have nurtured for some time, the fruit of a modern and western socio-historical education. Among them, the denaturalization of the ways we perceive the world and pass judgment on it. Thus, we seek to reflect, from our experiences, about the elements that have nourished our training, allowing us to see with other eyes, proposing a reflection on the effects of the formative conditions to which we are submitted in our educational actions and contributing to think the formative processes regarding the education of named people with visual impairment, from the encounter with others.
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