perspectivas do entrelaçamento entre altas habilidades/superdotação e gênero
Special education, High abilities/giftedness, GenderAbstract
This research presents a bibliographic survey of productions in Portuguese and/or published in Brazil, between 2001 and 2019, which discuss gender and special education interfaces, focusing on students classified in high abilities/giftedness (HA/G). Productions were selected and analyzed in order to highlight the differences and similarities between materials that talk about the intersection of HA/G and gender, presenting the relevance of the articulation of these fields of knowledge, in addition to quantitatively indicating these scientific productions. A database was created in the Google Sheets tool and to feed it productions were captured in two portals: Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO) and Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel. The sample consists of 32 productions, but only five present and relate the concepts of HA/G and gender as the focus of scientific production. These are similar in: the observation of the importance of the intersection of gender and HA/G studies, the recognition of unequal forms of treatment directed at girls and boys in the school environment, the concern with the role of gender in identifying students with HA/G as in your personal development. They differ in terms of the themes investigated and, consequently, in the different ways of discussing the same subject. For future deepening, the expansion of this research was evaluated with a broader crossing of the relationships between special and/or inclusive education considering the concept of intersectionality and a wide coverage of repositories.
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Education: B1