Journalism and determination
a marxist debate
Journalism, Marxism, Determination, SuperestructureAbstract
This article aims to carry out a bibliographical review about the Marxist determination of the superstructural elements by the structural ones, taking as an example of analysis the journalism, here understood as a superstructural phenomenon possessing relative autonomy, deserving then of theoretical details based on this aspect. Initially, the article proposes a revision of the debate of the determination proposed by the neomarxists, especially on the problem of the State. Afterwards, he reviews the contributions of Theory of Journalism on the problem, especially from the Brazilian researcher Adelmo Genro Filho. Finally, the problematizations about the actuality of the journalistic practice before the possibility of its own realization are listed.
Recebido: 26/04/2019
Aceito: 23/05/2019
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Copyright (c) 2019 Mateus Coelho Martins de Albuquerque, Kauane Andressa Müller, William Ricardo Boessio
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