Contradictions between concepts and practices in international cooperation for the environment
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International Cooperation

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Contradictions between concepts and practices in international cooperation for the environment. Revista Aurora, [S. l.], v. 6, n. 1, p. 95–108, 2021. DOI: 10.36311/1982-8004.2012.v6n1.2698. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 jun. 2024.


In this article we carry out a theoretical and conceptual debate about the foundations of international cooperation in the environmental area. We seek to identify the main concepts, conflicts and consensuses that emerged during negotiations and environmental resolutions. Thus, the aim was to deepen the debate on theoretical elements that explain how and why cooperation occurs between actors in the international system who engage in resolving transnational environmental issues. The aim is to elucidate the motivations, objectives, demands, obstacles and potential of a cooperation process, that is, what are the advantages and disadvantages of actors when they decide to act together and join forces to solve problems and pursuit of shared interests. However, this study reveals many contradictions between the way cooperation is defined and the way countries relate to each other in negotiating cooperative arrangements. What appears is that, even though the stated objective is to make joint efforts in the search for common interests, what occurs are true conflicts of interests and disputes for influence, resources, and political leadership.

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