Brazil and China
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Brazil and China
the World-Economy
Competitiveness and Manufactures

How to Cite

Brazil and China: opposition or contradiction?. Revista Aurora, [S. l.], v. 6, n. 1, p. 33–56, 2021. DOI: 10.36311/1982-8004.2012.v6n1.2696. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


In a period of systemic crisis, would China be occupying economic spaces in the capitalist world-economy and, based on its "Confucian" strategy, trying to become a new hegemonic nucleus? Its impetuous economic rise brings with it a new configuration of global geopolitics, since its consolidation as a major producer and exporter of manufactured products has brought great challenges for all countries, especially for developing economies, such as Brazil. The shared identity between developing countries gives Brazil and the People's Republic of China similar interests in international trade and strengthens the elements that make up the bilateral relationship, consolidating the strategic nature of this partnership. This ongoing research aims to analyze trade relations between Brazil and China, investigating what threats and benefits arise for a country like ours at this time of disorganization and possible reorganization of the global economic and political order. Using International Trade Theories, the historical approach of the Political Economy of World Systems and Kondratieff Cycles, it will be possible to investigate the possible obstacles and opportunities of this process, observing its contradictions.

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