Glissant and Guattari
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black abyss

How to Cite

Glissant and Guattari: Conjectures about an unwritten book. Revista Aurora, [S. l.], v. 16, n. 2, p. 47–60, 2023. DOI: 10.36311/1982-8004.2023.v16.n2.p47-60. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 jun. 2024.


Starting from a photograph that brings together Guattari and Glissant, and from the testimonies about a book they planned to write together, we propose to think about a possible pact of poetic complicity that is woven between the wake of their two works. To do this, we compare some categories nucleated preferably around the figure of the rhizome; and we highlight the idea of black abyss to account for a certain asymmetry relative to the respective conditions of enunciation. Our purpose is to outline, in the meeting of these writings, that unwritten book that would nourish the hypotheses about a theoretical and methodological reciprocity between the respective proposals.

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