The “communist intentone” yesterday and today
representations of anticomunism in the brazilian army
Brazilian army, Communism, Revolution, IdeologyAbstract
This article aims to understand how the Armed Forces came to be seen as an anti-communist institution, always on guard against communism and communists. This interpretation by society has repercussions within the institution. After the military uprisings that took place in 1935, pejoratively called "Communist Intentone", a broad process was set up, orchestrated by general officers of the time together with the ruling classes, aiming to create a wall that would distance the military from left-wing ideals and justify repression. against the working class, in every demand that bothered those in power. Since the uprisings, military ideologues have created a narrative that accused the military involved in the "Intentone" of being traitors to the homeland and the Armed Forces. This narrative continuity made the same interpretation of the events of 1935 reach the current general officers, still having the same objectives: repression of popular and working class movements, safeguarding Brazilian dependent capitalism.
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