The sociology teaching and art
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Sociology teaching
Social Interaction

How to Cite

LAVRATTI, Iara Milreu. The sociology teaching and art: socialization and social interaction in the context of brazilian civil-military dictatorship (1964-1985). Revista Aurora, [S. l.], v. 14, n. 3, p. 75–88, 2021. DOI: 10.36311/1982-8004.2021.v14esp.p75-88. Disponível em: Acesso em: 27 jul. 2024.


This article aims to reflect the potential of a sociology teaching that appropriates the artistic languages in their pedagogical practices and teaching methodologies. We will consider here if art is itself an efficient tool for teaching / learning, especially for high school youth, and can bring together sociological contents and themes to students and be an excellent instrument for their expression and action. From Fischer (1987), we will reflect on the need for art in a capitalist society focused on the labor market and how education with a humanizing perspective can emancipate subjects and prepare them for a less alienating life. In addition, it will seek to discuss the presence of the ludic in pedagogical practices, presenting a sequence of art-educational activities developed in a state school in Marília, São Paulo, using tools such as theater, music, photography, painting, literature and audiovisual, to work on concepts such as ‘Socialization’ and ‘Social Interaction’ within the context of the Brazilian Civil-Military Dictatorship (1964-1985) and to promote greater appropriation of sociological theories.

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