The open veins
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John Holloway
Daniel Bensaid

How to Cite

The open veins: about the debate around “changing the world without taking power” by john holloway. Revista Aurora, [S. l.], v. 3, n. 1, p. 90–100, 2009. DOI: 10.36311/1982-8004.2009.v3n1.1223. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


It breaks of a context of the present time that concentrates all the productive strength and relations of production under the orbit of “globalization of the capital” (CHESNAIS, 1996) and, in the same way, a period in which the symbolic production is brought near, more and more, in the circles of production and reproduction of the commodity paying attention to definition of Fredric Jameson (2006) of “cultural logic” of the contemporary capitalism. In this context, the distinction of the book to change the world without taking the power of John Holloway has been occupying a privileged place, being debated by many thinkers, in the interior of the contemporary Marxism. Our hypothesis is what the exhibition of Holloway would be an example of an "eclectic" theory if it brought the imbalance together between text and context, therefore, that comes to impoverish the contexts of the theoretical discussions discussed by the same thing. to illustrate is longed and to confront some theoretical and practical insufficiencies of the author, demonstrated by the alignment of the arguments of Daniel Bensaïd and Michel Löwy, who comes, besides putting the relevance of a great deal of the subjects of Holloway (for example, the category of the fetishism), to demonstrate a fracture (principally in the political, historical and practical extent) between text and context through what it goes in the alluded work. One will try if - á it will attribute to the characteristics that structure the theoretical skeleton of Holloway and the possible interpretative differences for the optics of two marked authors.

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