
  • rfm11

    Jan. / Jun. 2024 - The march of capital: tensions in the New World Order
    No. 11

    We have reached issue no. 11 of the Revista Fim do Mundo at an alarming historical moment. We have never been closer to the disturbing events represented by the 1962 missile crisis. The main actors remain the same: on one side, the United States and the entire NATO; on the other, no longer the communist Soviet Union, but its successor, capitalist Russia, in a conflict unfolding in Ukrainian territory. This scenario becomes even more frightening when we realize that these events of pinpoint wars and the ongoing wars mainly orchestrated by the United States and Israel are part of the current structural crisis of capital. It is not enough for humanity to experience the most perverse effects of the structural crisis, such as the brutal global climate crisis stemming from the capitalist society's mode of production, distribution, and consumption, and the permanent destruction of wage labor positions, putting pressure on the category of the "industrial reserve army," as only the deepest strata of this army expand, such as pauperism, chronic unemployment, and the lumpenproletariat. The great imperial powers, which feed on the natural resources and labor force of the world and have shaped the world for their own enrichment at the expense of the so-called "global South," seem unwilling to relinquish their privileges and global power, preferring the destruction of humanity and the Earth itself.

  • Jul./Dec. 2023 - The Dimensions of the End of the World: Social, Political, and Economic Contradictions of the Major Historical Transformations in the 21st Century
    No. 10

    In this Revista Fim do Mundo issue 10 we make an effort to reflect on our publications throughout 2020-2023, where we address the various themes that place humanity in a state of emergency, called by us the end of the world, in a certain way world of capital: the technological revolution that creates the new organ of the machine, its fourth organ, a new productive force incapable of reproducing itself satisfactorily within the narrow limits of capital, the environmental catastrophe in which we live, racism and black praxis, imperialism, and new world order, the dialectic between revolution and counterrevolution, the situation of education in its current serious dimensions, the situation of the working class in the stage of capital's structural crisis, and also the pandemic collapse that we have faced in recent years at the cost of many lives of workers and workers around the world.

  • RFM9

    Jan. / Jun. 2023 - Brazil, the Global South and the New World Order
    No. 9

    In the midst of the trend of transformation of the World Order and its eminent conflicts, the Revista Fim de Mundo presents its edition number nine. We understand that this complex of developing contradictions is a sign of the irreversible transition to a New World Order of capital, dangerously close to a world war with the use of nuclear weapons with unimaginable consequences for humanity. Beyond the environmental catastrophe and the political catastrophe through the expansion of fascism and its crucial moment in the war in Ukraine, nuclear danger emerges as a real possibility in the short term. Thus, it is that the end of the world has raised its specific density and promises to swallow up the good intentions of democratic humanity. It is not enough to resist its advance, it is imperative to fight decisively and permanently against the rise of fascism, the madness of capital, incapable of offering humanity a truce. It is necessary to extend social control over the capital to the maximum extent possible, to the point of curbing and liquidating its genocidal appetite. 

  • Jul./Dec. 2022 - The Condition of the Working Class in the Current Crisis of World Capitalism
    No. 8

    The Fim do Mundo journal brings to light in its 8th issue the theme: The situation of the Working Class in the current crisis of world capitalism. The working class is experiencing, at the beginning of the 21st century, an unusual situation due to the new forms of exploitation that capital has put into practice, ranging from those called uberization, to the most brutal forms of labor relations, characterized by slavery, in which workers are constrained to work without rights in exchange for precarious housing and food. Precariousness, flexibility, uberization, labor fragmentation, McDonaldization, informalization, etc., all occur alongside high unemployment and vacancy rates, never experienced by the working class, as a global phenomenon that affects all layers of this class. This sudden change in the world situation should promote strong changes in the pattern of exploitation of the working class, as well as its social struggles against capital in all corners of the planet. The purpose of this issue was to discuss the determinants of this process and its opposition by the workers' struggle for their emancipation.

  • RFM7

    Jan./Jun. 2022 - Education, Emancipation and Democracy
    No. 7

    Edition number 7 of the Revista Fim do Mundo aimed to discuss Brazilian and Latin American education in its serious current dimensions: reiteration of a sexist and racist education; growing process of commodification and financialization of education; systematic destruction of the public university and the conditions for scientific production; the privatization of the public school at its various levels; exclusion of indigenous and black peoples from access to public education. Also aiming to address social movements' resistance strategies, we present some experiences that engage anti-capitalist educational projects in the countryside and in the city. It is from such themes, in the face of these struggles that involve revolution and counter-revolution, that this edition was prepared

  • RFM6

    Sep./Dec. 2021 - Imperialism and the deadlocks of the end of the world
    No. 6

    In tune with the burning issues of our time, the Revista Fim do Mundo brings to light its issue number 6, whose theme addresses “Imperialism and the deadlocks of the end of the world”. Since its monopoly stage at the end of the 19th century, the capital expansion movement has always been debated as a theme of imperialism, mainly by Marxist authors. Today, given the concentration and centralization of capital taken to an unprecedented level, capable of causing a dehumanization and depredation of nature at a level unthinkable in the classical debate, imperialism as a historical form of capital reproduction in its self-valorization continues to be central as an object of political reflection.

  • RFM5

    May./Aug. 2021 - Revolution and Counterrevolution
    No. 5

    We arrived at the fifth edition of the Revista Fim do Mundo, still in the midst of the struggle for survival in the face of the greatest social and health crisis in the history of humanity. The dilemmas of a year and a half of pandemic subjected workers to the razor's edge of their capacity for social reproduction, bringing to light, more than ever, the emergence of organizing a profound transformation in the predominant way of life, in order to overcome the domain of capital. The revolution was a way invented by humanity to get rid of oppression, especially that which emanates from the restriction of freedom in its multiple existential dimensions of life. As an emancipatory ideal, the revolution also presupposes its constant practice, in which the present stages of consolidation pave the way for future, higher levels of the encounter between the human being and itself. A revolution whose roots can only be reached with sufficient strength to break the shackles that block real human demands for emancipation, as Marx himself teaches us: “a radical revolution can only be a revolution of real needs”. For every revolutionary move, however, the prisons of oppression – if not entirely destroyed, are also renewed in the form of counterrevolution, even preventively.

  • RFM 4

    Jan./Apr. 2021 - Capitalism and Racism: the black praxis
    No. 4

    We have reached the fourth issue of our "Revista Fim do Mundo” at a time of worsening the current civilization crisis that we are experiencing. Considering the inherently cyclical nature of the capital accumulation process and the characteristics of contemporary capitalism, we are still under the effects of the world crisis that broke out in 2007/2008, coupled with an interminable health crisis. The answer to this crisis has been to deepen, from a global point of view, the dependence of peripheral economies on the logic of capital accumulation; and from the national point of view, from neoliberal reforms to the working class, configured as a dismantling of the democratic rule of law and a retrogression of the achievements of workers in the last century.

    In Brazil, with the institutional coup in 2016 and the crisis generated by the pandemic, this “adjustment” of the crisis to the working class, implies a huge increase in the weight on the black population, which historically is the most exploited in the country, the old socialization of losses in the slavery particularity of our social formation. In this sense, a cyclical and structural reading of class racialization is necessary, as a particular feature of the constitution of social relations of production in Brazil, indicating a critical perspective towards Capital.

  • RFM3

    sep./dec. 2020 - Pandemic and Revolution
    No. 03

    The Covid-19 pandemic that has been sweeping the world in this year of 2020 is the theme of our Revista Fim do Mundo edition number 3. Apparently, the virus affects everyone equally, but this statement does not stand up to more accurate analysis, as it is already clear that the working class is the main victim of all aspects that add up: health crisis, environmental crisis, economic crisis, that is, it is the complexification of the structural crisis of capital. The lack of health beds in the public sector is most evident in those countries where the extreme right can demonstrate their genocidal aptitudes, both concerning those killed by diseases, as well as the traditional massacre of black people and the poor on the peripheries, immigrant ghettos, slums, etc. In Brazil, the conjunction of the two crises has already killed more than 50 thousand people and currently puts more than half of young people able to work in unemployment, besides throwing millions of people into the barbarism of extreme poverty.

  • RFM 2

    May/Aug. 2020 - Environmental Issues and Structural Crisis of Capital
    No. 02

    This issue number 2 houses a thematic dossier on Environmental Issues and the Structural Crisis of Capital and aims to discuss the themes arising from these two categories, as they are mutually determined. The debate in the face of the current frankly unstable historical moment, as another chapter in the capital crisis, which is now expressed additionally, but not exclusively, in the form of the COVID-19 pandemic, is very timely.

  • RFM

    Jan./Apr. 2020 - The End of the World
    No. 01

    The Revista Fim do Mundo in this first issue brings readers a set of works commissioned to authors who carry out research within the “End of the World” scope as presented in our Editorial. These works seek to fill a wide spectrum of debates necessary for us to start a social thought trajectory involving a large part of the researchers dedicated to thinking about a society beyond capital.