PIBID da Educação Especial: Coensino e Tecnologias Instrucionais em uma sequência didática para o ensino do Sistema Solar


  • André Henrique Lima Universidade Federal de São Carlos - UFSCar
  • Cariza de Cássia Spinazola Universidade Federal de São Carlos - UFSCar
  • Rita de Cassia de Souza Landin Universidade Federal de São Carlos - UFSCar




Educação Especial., PIBID, Ensino Colaborativo, Tecnologias Instrucionais, Ensino Fundamental


The Institutional Program of Scholarships for Teaching Initiation (PIBID) has the goal of contributing to the initial education of Higher Education students by providing the opportunity for them to come in contact with the Basic Education in the beginning of their undergraduate studies. Within this perspective, the Special Education PIBID in the Federal University of Sao Carlos differs from others for focusing on the co-teaching model. The present article aimed to describe a didactic sequence built in collaboration between a regular education teacher and a Special Education PIBID student, focusing on the use of Instructional Technologies and their theories. The study is qualitative in nature with a descriptive experience report. This report describes a didactic sequence about the Solar System which was based on Instructional Technologies. Such activity took place at a municipal school on the country side of Sao Paulo state. The classes consisted of 25 students in the third year of primary school amongst whom two had indicatives of intellectual impairment (evaluation in progress) and one with learning difficulties. As a result, it is customary to indicate that there has been “extra support” for the students Special Education’s target audience in this experience, due to support provided by the recently inserted PIBID student, which affects positively the students. In short, the support provided by the Instructional Technologies was satisfactory for the planning, development, use, management and evaluation of the teaching proposal of the Solar System for highly heterogeneous class. In addition, the collaboration between the regular education teacher and the PIBID volunteer were vital for the implementation of the proposal.

Recebido em: 19 de abril de 2019
Modificado em: 25 de agosto de 2019
Aceito em: 27 de setembro de 2019





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