Educational inclusion of deaf and collaborative actions


  • Deize Heloiza Silva Degrande UNESP/Presidente Prudente



Collaborative action., Education for the deaf., . Individualized Education Plan., Inclusive Education.


This article presents a brief history of the education of deaf people, important decrees and facilitators that benefit the daily practices of education professionals. It presents through literary analysis what is collaborative work in the school environment and how to elaborate an Individualized Teaching Plan. We aimed to understand the need for collaborative work and the benefits of developing the Individualized Education Plan in the inclusion of a deaf student. In order to do so, we exposed and analyzed the application of the work of an interpreter with a deaf student in the third year of high school, in which collaborative actions and individualized teaching plan were carried out, as well as a report related to these actions. Literary analysis and scholastic practice favored a better understanding of collaborative and creative actions among teachers and interpreters for inclusion. We conclude that the educational inclusion of deaf people is the result of school and social practices, which results in a reflexive action of all involved, with emphasis on student development and learning. The collaborative action between the teachers involved and the Individualized Education Plan are educational strategies that effect the school inclusion of the deaf student.

Author Biography

  • Deize Heloiza Silva Degrande, UNESP/Presidente Prudente

    Mestre em Educação pela Universidade Estadual Paulista “Júlio de Mesquita Filho” – UNESP. Interprete e tradutora da Língua Brasileira de Sinais pela filantrópica “Som das Mãos” (Mãos que falam), 2010. Pós-graduada, Lato sensu, em Psicopedagogia Institucional pela Faculdade de Tecnologia Paulista, 2015. Pós-graduanda, Lato sensu, Libras: Prática e tradução/interprete pela UNOESTE de Presidente Prudente, 2021. Graduada em Pedagogia pelas Faculdades Integradas Rui Barbosa de Andradina – FIRB, 2014




