Desafios da Educação Superior: o caso das pessoas com deficiencia intelectal no Perú


  • Estefani Aime Apaza Quispe



Intellectual disability, educational inclusion, instrumental learning skills, basic and superior education, educational policies


The achievement of the inclusion of people with intellectual disability (ID) is one of the greatest challenges facing educational institutions and the community. According to World Health Organization (WHO, 2011), 15% of the population present disability, while in Peru there is roughly 5.2%, with intellectual disability being a greater proportion. In response to this, the inclusive or attention to diversity approach is proposed through the current National Curriculum of Basic Education, and Higher Education, regulations that guarantee entry and permanence in this. However, there are still difficulties in the educational institutions of these educational levels; in basic education, 25% of people with disabilities of school age prevail without access to the education system, which includes people with ID, and in higher education, only 5.99% access to institutes and colleges, which no reports have been found about the case of people with ID. In such a way that the importance of exploring about the situation of these people; thus, the present study aims to analyze the sociodemographic characteristics and instrumental learning skills of 10 participants (2 men and 8 women) with ID attending a health service of a Public Hospital in Lima Metropolitana. The type and design of research corresponds to Empirico-no experimental with descriptive strategy through surveys. The sample was collected by intentional sampling. The instruments used were a sociodemographic index and an AD HOC list of instrumental learning skills. This communication is based on brief advances on the construction of intellectual disability, the inclusion approach and educational policies that affect the access and permanence of people with ID in higher education. The findings seek the visibility of the situation of some people with ID and the generation of evidence that serves as the basis for the development of timely and relevant measures that provide equal opportunities for all.

Author Biography

  • Estefani Aime Apaza Quispe

    Estefani Aime Apaza Quispe. Bachiller en Psicología por la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (UNMSM), Lima, Perú. Especializada en el “Estudio en Discapacidad” por la Facultad de Derecho de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP) y la Red Iberoamericana de Expertos sobre la Convención de los Derechos de las Personas con Discapacidad (Red CDPD). E-mail:





Dossiê - Inclusão no Ensino Superior